Call for Applications for Comparative Literature Training Program – Deadline April 30, 2014

Call For Applications

HYI is pleased to announce a call for applications for our June 2014 training program in comparative literature, to be held in Beijing:

New Departures in Comparative and World Literature Studies: Themes and Methods
比较文学与世界文学研究新方向: 主题与方法

Harvard-Yenching Institute
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tsinghua University
Center for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Tsinghua University


Introduction: This training program hopes to build on a new foundation for comparative literature and cultural studies by bringing together leading American and Chinese comparatists to explore issues of common interest and to lay the groundwork for further collaboration in the future. The program will focus on several key areas of common concern: the literary consequences of globalization, including film studies and world literature in new geographies, the urban environment in literature, and the rising field of ecocriticism. The trainees of the program will be those who have already professed in the field including both young teachers and those who are pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Comparative and World Literature and Foreign Literature Studies. The pedagogy will mainly be lectures and discussions, with an eye to systematize the participants’ knowledge of the subject, to deepen their understanding of literary theories, and to help them master the fundamental methodologies which will be useful for their future academic research or teaching. The program will take place from June 16-20, 2014, including five full days lecturing and discussion. 

Application deadline: April 30, 2014

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