Jin Guiyun
Visiting Scholar
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2013 to Jun 2014
University Affiliation (Current)
Shandong University
University Affiliation
Shandong University
Jin Guiyun is currently a professor in the School of History and Culture at Shandong University. Born in Liaoning Province, China, she obtained her B.A. and M.A. in Archaeology from Shandong University in 1986 and 1989 respectively. She then obtained her Ph.D. in Quaternary Geology from Chinese Academy of Sciences in1999. Her Ph.D. dissertation was on the Mid-Holocene climate change and its effect on cultural development in Northern China. She worked as an archaeologist at the Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology from 1989 to 2003. In the past ten years, she and her academic team have focused on the prehistoric subsistence strategy and social development in China and have obtained preliminary results for topics on the Early-Middle Neolithic Age. During her stay at HYI, she hopes to complete her study on the late Neolithic Age and to finish a paper on “Neolithic agriculture and the development of a complex society around the Shandong Highlands, Eastern China”.
Current Research Projects and Interests: 中西史前农牧业交流; 黄河下游地区早期农业与社会; 龙山时代社会复杂化与环境变迁
GuiYun Jin, WenWan Wu, KeSi Zhang, ZeBing Wang, XiaoHong Wu, 2014. 8000-year old rice remains from the north edge of the Shandong Highlands, East China. Journal of Archaeological Science, 51: 34-42.
Wu, W.W., Wang, X.H., Wu, X.H., Jin, G.Y. and Tarasov, E.P. 2014 The early Holocene archaeobotanical record from the Zhangmatun site at the northern edge of the Shandong Highlands, China, Quaternary International, 348: 183-193.
Wagner, M., Jin G.Y., Tarasov P. 2014 The “Bridging Eurasia” research initiative: modes of mobility and sustainability in the palaeoenvironmental and archaeological archives from Eurasia, Quaternary International, 348: 1-3.
吴文婉,张继华,靳桂云,2014 河南登封南洼遗址二里头到汉代聚落农业的植物考古证据,中原文物(1):109-117.
吴文婉,靳桂云,王海玉,王传明,2013. 黄河中下游几处遗址大豆属(Glycine)遗存的初步研究,中国农史,(2):3-8.
吴文婉,靳桂云,王海玉,王传明,2013. 古代中国大豆属(Glycine)植物的利用与驯化,农业考古(6):1-10.
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