KIM Jun Young
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 1992 to Jun 1993
University Affiliation
Sungkyunkwan University
Kim Jun Young, Vice President of Sungkyunkwan University, joined the Faculty of Economics at Sungkyunkwan in 1989 and currently holds the position of tenured professor. His previous senior administrative positions at SKKU include Dean of the School of Economics, Chief of the Brain Korea 21 Research Group, Provost of Academic Affairs, and Provost of Planning and University Coordination. As a senior academic leader in Korea, he has promoted broad-based international collaborations for SKKU. He is President Emeritus of the Association for Public Finance and held a post on the Board of Governors of the International Social Security Foundation. He is also a board member of the Consortium for North American Higher Education. As an economist and educator he has also held a number of senior posts, including Special Advisor to the Bank of Korea and Special Advisor to the Korea Institute of Public Finance. Most recently he served as Special Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and the Economy on Tax System Improvement and as Chairman of the Korean Customs Administrative Development Committee. Vice President Kim is the author of many peer reviewed journal articles and has written several texts, along with travelling worldwide to promote SKKU’s global initiatives.
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