
Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2013 to Jun 2014

Sep 2003 to Dec 2004

University Affiliation

Fumitaka Yamauchi spent an extended period in South Korea, where he received his PhD from the Academy of Korean Studies. His doctoral dissertation was the first comprehensive study in Korean of the recording industry in the context of colonial Korea and its relations with imperial Japan. He then became an assistant professor at the Institute of Oriental Culture (currently the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia), University of Tokyo, before joining the faculty of the Graduate Institute of Musicology in 2009. He held visiting fellowships at Harvard during his PhD studies and at Yale during his appointment in Japan. His current research interests include the historical formations of recording culture and popular music in East Asia in their relation to issues of colonial modernity, wartime mobilization, and technological mediation. His recent publications in English include “Policing the sounds of colony: Documentary power and the censorship of Korean recordings in the age of performative reproduction” (2011, Musica Humana), and he is the co-editor (with Hugh de Ferranti) of a special issue of The World of Music on colonial modernity and East Asian musics (2012), which features his own essay “(Dis)Connecting the empire: Colonial modernity, recording culture, and Japan-Korea musical relations.” During his second stay at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, he will work on “Musical relations and sound mediation in colonial-era East Asia: Exploration of Japan-Korea-Taiwan triangular (dis)connections” and write a book on modernity, colonialism, and nationalism in East Asian music history.

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