Zhou Haiyan
Nanda Sociology Training Program
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2013 to Jun 2014
University Affiliation
Nanjing University
Zhou Haiyan is an
associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Nanjing
University and a scholar of contemporary China. She received her B.A. and M.A.
in Journalism and her Ph.D. in Sociology. She also serves as Director of the
Laboratory of News Gathering and Editing in the Teaching Demonstration Media
Center of Nanjing University. Zhou’s main research interests lie in the areas
of media and memory. She uses social memory theory and power discourse analysis
theory to research Chinese history, especially issues of power and social
control. Her Ph.D. thesis, on the Great Production movement, received the Sih-Yuan
Distinguished Doctoral Thesis for the Humanities and Social Sciences Award. She
is the author of Politics of Memory: the
Rediscovery of the Great Production movement (Development Press, 2013).
BOOKS:Politics of Memory: the Rediscovery of the Great Production movement (Development Press, 2013).Investigative Reporting: Interviewing and writing (Xinhua Press, 2003).ARTICLES:”The Zhao Zhankui Movement: Social Memory’ Reconstruction of Workers’ Role Models in News Production”, Journalism Review, January 2012.”Discourse is Power: “News production – Political mobilization” of the Great Production’s Typical Reports”, Contemporary Communications, March 2012.”Criticism of Public Figures’ Behavior: Speculation on the Great War Between Fang Zhouzi and Han Han”, Journalism Review, March 2012.”Strategy and Distinction: Journalism Awards Between Journalistic Professionalism Discourse and National Discourse”, Journalism Review, August. 2012.”Wu Manyou: From Memorizing to Oblivion: Liberation Daily’s First Typical Report on News Production and the Construction of Social Memory”, Jiangsu Social Sciences, March 2012.”Production as Discipline”, Open Times, October 2012.”People Micro-blog: Communication Promotes the Change”, Journalism Review, October 2012.”Idlers’ Discipline and Social Governance Strategies in Rural Renovation: Taking the “Modify the Idlers” Movement as an Example”, Jianghai Academic Journal, 5, 2012.”How Micro-blogs change Micro Politics”, Journalism Review, November 2012.”The Taiwanese experience: Citizen Journalism And Social Reconstruction in the We-media Age”, Journalism Review, December 2012.
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