Tian Wuxiong, PhD candidate, Peking University
Abstract: It is known that Chinese People’s Volunteers (CPV) was completely withdrawn from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in 1958 while its opponent the United Nations forces were still stationed in the Republic of Korea. Yet how Chinese troops’ withdrawal package was made is ambiguous. This paper examines the details surrounding the making of the 1958 withdrawal package. It focuses on Mao Zedong’s initiated proposal of the withdrawal, two of Kim Il-sung’s draft plans for the withdrawal, China’s choice to Kim’s plans and its specific revisions to the selected plan, China’s negotiations with the Soviet Union on the withdrawal and the destinations of the withdrawn Chinese troops. The author argues that the making of CPV’s withdrawal package from the DPRK in 1958 clearly shows that, behind the discourse of China and the DPRK’s “unity and friendship becoming more and more consolidated”, the two sides still had their own respective benefits and intentions.
关键词:毛泽东 金日成 苏联 志愿军 联合国军/美军 Keywords: Mao Zedong, Kim Il-sung, Soviet Union, CPV, United Nations forces
Note: This paper has been accepted by the Journal of Liaocheng University (Social Science Edition), to be published in issue no.163 (September 2014). The author would like to thank the Journal of Liaocheng University (Social Science Edition) for their generosity which allows this paper to also be published in the HYI Working Paper Series.
About the HYI Working Paper Series: The Harvard-Yenching Institute is pleased to make available working papers by HYI affiliated scholars on topics in the humanities and social sciences, with special attention to the study of Asian culture.
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