Kim Jihyun

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2018 to Feb 2019

University Affiliation

Jihyun Kim is an Associate Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at Seoul National University in the Republic of Korea. She received her B.A. (1999) from the Dept. of Religious Studies, Seoul National University and disciplined in Master Course at the same institution. She obtained her M.A. (2005) and Litt. D. (2010) from Kyoto University, majored in Chinese Daoism, particularly exploring the practice and daoist scriptures of medieval period. She held academic positions of an Assistant Professor in Zinbunken (Institute for Research in Humanities) and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Integrated Humanities at Kyoto University (2010-2015). Her research theme in HYI is “Revelations and Daoist Culture in the Late Chosŏn Dynasty,” under the host of Professor James Robson. Her main research object includes 19th century spirit-written text, Sŏnggye jip 聖乩集 (C. Shengji ji), which reveals the unfolding of Daoist culture emerged from the challenge and quest for new world in the late Chosŏn period (17-19 centuries). In particular, her research aims to explore the religious faith and practice with relation to Three Deities (samsŏng/sansheng 三聖) in the reign period of Kojong 高宗 (reigned 1863-1907, the last Chosŏn king and the first emperor of the Great Korean Empire), from the perspective of comparative studies of Chosŏn and late Qing (1644-1911) China.


Jihyun Kim, “The Invention of Traditions: With a Focus on Innovations in the Scripture of the Great Cavern in Ming-Qing Daoism,” DRHS 7 (2015): 63-115


金志玹, “聖胎をめぐる思想と表象ー道教と仏教を中心に,”『古典解釈の東アジア的展開ー宗教文献を中心に』, 京都大学人文科学研究所, 2017, 165-203


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