Wu Qianjin
Visiting Scholar
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 2003 to Jul 2004
University Affiliation (Current)
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
University Affiliation
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Current Research Projects and Interests: Chinese Migration Overseas; Sino-Southeast Asian Relations; the Role of the Ethnic Chinese in the Asia-Pacific Region.
1.The Role of Ethnic Chinese in the International Relations. Beijing: Xinhua Press, 2003, 245 pp. (This book was based on a research project funded by China’s National Foundation of Social Sciences in 1999, and was awarded the First Prize in the 7th Shanghai Excellent Productions of Social Sciences Research (2002-2003).
2. Chinese Americans and Their Cultural Changes. Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 1998, 172 pp.
Journal Articles
1.“New Overseas Chinese/Ethnic Chinese and the Development of People-to-People Relationship——A Case study on the People-to-People Relations between China and Singapore.” Overseas Chinese History Studies, Beijing, No.2, 2007, pp.7-22.
2.“Migrants, Nationalism and Transnationalism in the Post-Cold War Period: A Case Study on the American Chinese.” Overseas Chinese History Studies, Beijing, No.1, 2006, pp.18-29.
3.“Migration in Southeast Asia since 1990: Problems and Prospect.” Journal of Social Sciences, Shanghai, No.12, 2005, pp. 32-40.
4.“Localization and Globalization of Contemporary International Migration: Analysis from Perspective of Transnationalism.” Contemporary International Relations, Beijing, No.8, 2004, pp.18-24. (Reprinted in Chinese Social Sciences Digest. Beijing, No.6, 2004, pp. 58-60, and awarded the Second Prize in the 8th Shanghai Excellent Productions of Social Sciences Research (2004-2005).
5.“Riots in Indonesia: Dilemma of Chinese Minority and Their Options in the Context of Multi-bilateral Relations.” Journal of Asian Studies, Hong Kong, No.46, 2003, pp. 102-129.
6.“Chinese Education and Sino-Southeast Asian Interactions during the Post-Cold War Period.” Journal of Asian Studies, Hong Kong, No.43, 2002, pp.184-203.
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