Chiu Peng-Sheng

Years of Stay at HYI

Sep 2002 to Jul 2003

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

Professor Chiu is an economic historian who has done significant research on artisans and merchants associations in Suzhou from 1700-1900. He received both his M.A. and Ph.D. in History from National Taiwan University. His current research interests focus on commercial law and market evolution in eighteenth-century China.

Current Research Projects:

Material Life and Legal Norm of Chongqing in Qing China

The Constitution and its Transformation of Business Culture in Late Imperial China

Power and Culture in the Transition of the Chinese Legal Professions, 1500-1900

Recent Publications

Pengsheng Chiu, “The Discourse on Insolvency and Negligence in Eighteenth-Century China,” in Robert E. Hegel and Katherine Carlitz (eds.), Writing and Law in Late Imperial China: Crime, Conflict, and Judgment, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2007, pp.125-142.

〈18世紀蘇松棉布業的管理架構與法律文化〉 (“Inquiring the Governance Structure and Legal Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Cotton Industry in Suzhou and Sonjiang”), 《江海學刊》 (Jianghai Academic Journal , Nanjing) 2012,2 (2012): 143-157.

〈律例本乎聖經:明清士人與官員的法律知識論述〉(“Law and Statutes Based on Confucian Canons: Legal Discourse of Ming-Qing Scholar-Official Literati”), 《明代研究》 (Journal of Ming Studies, Taipei)  21 (2013): 75-98.

〈由代收稅捐看清末蘇州商會的“代表性”問題〉 (“Representing Merchants in a New Form of Identity: The Process of the Tax Collection through the Chambers of Commerce of Suzhou in Late Qing”), 《四川大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》 (Journal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition) 成都 Chengdu) 2014,1 (2014): 14-24.

〈18世紀清代蘇州商業訴訟中的法律多元〉 (“Legal Pluralism in the Commercial Lawsuits in Suzhou in the Eighteenth Century China”), in Luca Gabbiani, Sun Jiahong(孫家紅) et Chai Jianhong(柴劍虹) eds., Sinologie Francaise, Vol. 16, Crimes et chatiments: Le droit et l’Etat dans l’historiographie recente en Chine et en Europe (《法國漢學》第16輯《罪與罰:中歐法制史研究的對話》),Beijing:中華書局,2014, pp.34-66.

(A Consideration of Eighteenth-century Chinese Business Ethics from the Perspective of “Brief Guide for Traders and Shopkeepers”). 《漢學研究》 Vol.33 No.3, pp.205-240. 台北, 2015.09.

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