HAN Do-Hyun
한도현 (韓道鉉)
Visiting Scholar
Years of Stay at HYI
Jul 2001 to Jun 2002
University Affiliation (Current)
Academy of Korean Studies
University Affiliation
Academy of Korean Studies
Do-Hyun Han is Professor of sociology at the Academy of Korean Studies. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from Seoul National University in 1992. He is member of the Editorial Board of Korean Histories (Leiden University) and Vice President of the Korean Rural Sociological Society. He was Dean for Research at the Academy. He was Director for the Jangseogak Archives (The Library of Ancient Books from the Chosun Dynasty) at the Academy of Korean Studies. He was the first director of Korean Studies Promotion Service which support Korean Studies abroad. He was a visiting scholar at Harvard University (1995, 2001, and 2006), Graduate Institute Geneve and Bologna University (2015), Stanley Junior Fellow (1994) and Oberman Fellow(2004) at the University of Iowa, Visiting Scholar at East China Normal University.
He currently leads an international research on reciprocity and cooperation at the Academy of Korean Studies.
His research interests include community development, social history, and the comparative study of community traditions of Korea, China and Vietnam. He has led a three year international research on community traditions of Korea, China, and Vietnam and has been involved in Korea’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) program of rural community development. He gave public lectures on Community Development at the World Bank Institute, Asian Development Bank, KOICA, OECD, Korea Development Institute, Seoul National University, Shandong University, etc. His major publications include: “A Comparative Study of Rural Social Organization in Traditional Korea and Vietnam”, Corporate Citizenship and the Civic Community; Religion and the Civic Community; Voluntary Local Association and the Civic Community; Local Voluntary Associations and the Civic Community; Grassroots Leaders and Civic Community; The Saemaul Movement: A Source Book, etc.
Current Research Projects and Interests: A Comparative Study of Cooperatives in Italy, Switzerland, and Korea Revisiting Korea’s old villages: Past, Present and Future
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