HYI Alumni News: September 2020

Alumni News

Congratulations to our alumni on their recent honors, promotions, and publications!

Chen Hsun-Mei (Buddhism and Ethnicity Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2019-20) is co-author (with Wang Wen-Fang) of “One Negation, Two Ways of Using It: Prasajyapratiṣedha in Bhāviveka and Candrakīrti’s Argumentation” in Tetsugaku, vol. 4 (2020).

Jack Meng-tat Chia (RSEA Fellow, 2009-12) is author of Monks in Motion: Buddhism and Modernity Across the South China Sea (Oxford University Press, September 2020).

Sittithep Eaksittipong (NUS-HYI Joint Doctoral Scholar, 2012-16) is co-author (with Saichol Sattayanurak) of “An outline for a history of emotion of the Chinese in Thailand” in Asian Ethnicity (2020).

Fan Shuhua (Visiting Scholar, 1996-97) is author of “The Knight Brothers in Niuzhuang: U.S. Merchants & Foreign Life in a Small Chinese Treaty Port,” in Chinese Historical Review, vol. 27, vol. 1 (May 2020): 1-31.

Hang Thi Thu Truong (Visiting Scholar, 2019-20) is author of “Community Initiatives and Local Networks among K’ho Cil Smallholder Coffee Farmers in the Central Highlands of Vietnam: A Case Study,” in Journal of Asian and African Studies 55(6), 2020.

Lee Ha-kyoung (Visiting Fellow, 2013-14) is now an Assistant Professor in the Political Science department at the Academy of Korean Studies (한국학 중앙연구원).

Nguyen Ngoc Tho (Visiting Scholar, 2017-18) is co-editor (with Jana Rosker) of a Special Issue on Confucianism in Vietnam published in Asian Studies (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Vol 8 No 2 (2020). Five articles in the special issue were written by HYI-affiliated scholars: 1.) Nguyen Ngoc Tho: “When the Sage Becomes a “God”: The Spiritualized Confucian Sect of Minh Đức Nho giáo Đại đạo in Southern Vietnam”; 2.) Nguyen Ngoc Tho & Nguyen Thanh Phong (An Giang University, VNU-Ho Chi Minh): “Philosophical Transmission and Contestation: The Impact of Qing Confucianism in Southern Vietnam”; 3.) Nguyen Tuan Cuong (Sino-Nôm Institute, HYI Visiting Scholar 2013-14): “The Last Confucians of Mid-20th Century Vietnam: A Cultural History of the Vietnam Association of Traditional Studies”; 4.) Hoang Cam Giang (USSH, VNU-Hanoi, HYI Visiting Scholar 2018-19): “Vietnamese and Chinese Movies about Royalty: From Confucian Cosmology to Ecological Politics”; 5.) Nguyen Yen Hoang (USSH, VNU-Ho Chi Minh, HYI Visiting Scholar 2020-21) & Gabriel F. Y. Tsang (Sun Yat-sen University): “The Vietnamese Confucian Diplomatic Tradition and the Last Nguyễn Precolonial Envoys’ Textual Communication with Li Hongzhang”

Pan Weilin (Visiting Scholar, 2019-20) and Zhang Ke (Visiting Scholar, 2019-20) are the authors of 《梵瑟楼与哈佛往事》(Bits of history about Harvard’s Vanserg Hall) in 文汇报 Wenhui Bao, August 7th, 2020.

Chulaluk Pleumpanya (Asia-Pacific Studies Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2019-20) is author of “Modern Overseas Chinese Image in Thai Literature and Soap Opera” in Chinese Culture in the 21st Century and its Global Dimensions: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Kelly Kar Yue Chan and Chi Sum Garfield Lau, eds.)

Zhang Ke (Visiting Scholar, 2019-20) is the author of 《<大私报>的故事: 二战美国大兵在哈佛学中文》(The Great Private and the ASTP trainees in wartime Harvard) in 上海书评 Shanghai Review of Books, September 21th, 2020.

Zhang Longxi (Harvard Doctoral Scholar, 1983-87) is author of《文学-记忆-思想:东西比较随笔集》(Literature, Memory, and Thought: Essays in Comparative Literature), published by China Social Science Press  中国社会科学出版社 in late 2019. In addition, two of Professor Zhang’s books originally published in English have been translated into Japanese and published in Tokyo. Allegoresis: Reading Canonical Literature East and West (Cornell Univ. Press, 2005) was translated into Japanese by Akiyoshi Suzuki  鈴木章能 and Masato Torikai 鳥飼真人 and published by Suiseisha 水声社 in Tokyo in 2016. From Comparison to World Literature (SUNY Press, 2015) was also translated by Akiyoshi Suzuki and published again by Suiseisha in 2018.

Zhang Yun (Visiting Fellow, 2012-13) is author of Engendering the Woman Question: Men, Women, and Writing in China’s Early Periodical Press (Boston; Leiden: Brill, 2020). The publication was supported by the HYI Publication Grant for Alumni.



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