HYI-USSH-VNU HCM Joint Training Program Information & Application

Call For Applications

Applications are now invited for a joint training program entitled “Migration in Vietnam: Social Integration and Cultural Continuity from Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic”, co-organized by the Harvard-Yenching Institute and The University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University in HCMC (USSH-VNU HCM)

Title of the Joint Training Program:

Migration in Vietnam: Social Integration and Cultural Continuity from Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic


Harvard-Yenching Institute

The University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University in HCMC (USSH-VNU HCM)

Dates & Location:

Early July, 2022

The University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Application Deadline:

June 10, 2022


Migration is one of the crucial dimensions in socioeconomic development all over the world, including Vietnam. Migration movement has continuously accelerated in terms of magnitude and destinations which create both opportunities and challenges locally, nationally, regionally and globally. Vietnam has also witnessed multiple waves of rural-urban and transnational migration under various wars, developments and macro-economic reforms. Domestically, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is the main receiving destination. While rural-urban migration has been predominant, transnational migration waves in and out of the country have proved to be increasingly significant in the context of Vietnam’s integration into the global economy. It is noteworthy that Vietnam serves both as a sending and receiving country for transnational migrants.

Migration in Vietnam raises issues that are of great interest to many anthropological studies. At receiving destinations, the issues of social integration of migrants, their cultural and religious practices in the new environment, the creation of their nuclear families and children’s education, the continuity of the relationship with their kinsmen at home and gender negotiation are highlighted. At the same time, at sending localities, the problems of left-behind elders and sent-back-home children, the shift in the practice of filial piety, social responsibilities and duties are essential for social scientists to begin to explore in order to comprehend this contemporary human movement.

Hitherto, research on migration in Vietnam has focused on economic impacts while social aspects of migration and gender negotiations proves to be of lesser interest and even overlooked. The diversity of issues calls for interdisciplinary approaches that enrich and extend anthropological practice. Therefore, there is a need to introduce, develop and foster interdisciplinary approaches to domestic rural-urban and transnational migration studies in general and in Vietnam in particular. In order to do this, updated theories and methodologies related to migration studies including social integration and cultural continuity of migrants as well as left-behind kin will be important foundations for developing the discipline of anthropology and migration studies in/of Vietnam.


  • Introduction of key contemporary theories and theoretical literature related to migration;
  • Introduction of key contemporary methodologies and research tools that are feasible and useful for migration studies;
  • Introduction of an updated picture about the state of migration both domestically and transnationally in the world and in Vietnam;
  • Provision of a comprehensive view and understanding about various transformations in Vietnamese society in the post Doi Moi era (post 1986);
  • Creation of a network for scholars who are interested in the proposed themes.

Training topics:

  • The state of migration both domestically and transnationally in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic and recovery;
  • Cultural and socio-economic aspects of domestic and transnational migration;
  • Social integration of domestic and international migrants in urban areas in Vietnam (especially HCMC)
  • Cultural continuity and gender negotiation of domestic and international migrants in urban areas in Vietnam (especially HCMC)
  • Disciplinary differences and interdisciplinary exchanges in studying migration in Vietnam;
  • Research methodologies for conducting field studies in rural-urban migration and in-migration in major cities in Vietnam;


  • There will be 20 students accepted to the program including 06 international students;
  • Applicants should be enrolled in MA/PhD programs of recognized institutions in Vietnam or in other countries in the region, and should major in related fields such as Anthropology, Sociology, Cultural Studies, History and Gender Studies. Their dissertation topic must be about migration;
  • For those who are not Vietnamese, fluency in Vietnamese is a must (for conducting fieldwork interviews);
  • Vietnamese students who received scholarships and studied abroad for doctoral degrees are not eligible to apply.

Training time and place:

  • The training is planned to start at the beginning of July 2022.
  • Length of the program is 10 days of which the first 05 days will be lectures in Ho Chi Minh City, at USSH-VNU HCM and 03 days of field research; and 02 days of preparation and final report presentation seminar;
  • Students will spend 03 days of field research studying expatriate and rural-urban migrant communities in Ho Chi Minh City. Detailed schedule will be provided later.


  • Language of instruction: English
  • There will be one English-Vietnamese interpreter for international lecturers

Financial support:

  • International students are responsible for their visa application and round-trip air ticket. The USSH-VNU HCM will provide necessary supporting documents for the visa application (if any);
  • Accommodation, meals and transportation costs for all participants during the program will be provided by the organizers


Interested applicants should submit their electronic applications in English or Vietnamese to the following email address at hangtruong@hcmussh.edu.vn  no later than June 10, 2022. Application packets should include:

  • Brief CV with certification of their institutions (no longer than 3 pages)
  • Application form
  • Two recommendation letters from academic advisors or employers
  • COVID-19 vaccination certificate (copy)

Download application form [Word]


USSH-VNU HCM will establish a selection committee to review all applications.

Contact person:

Dr. Truong Thi Thu Hang

Faculty of Anthropology, USSH-VNU HCM

Email: hangtruong@hcmussh.edu.vn

Handphone: +84908059401

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