Chan Chi-keung

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2022 to May 2023

University Affiliation

Chi-keung Chan 陳志強 is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at National Taiwan University. He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2015. Before joining the NTU faculty in 2017, he taught briefly in the Department of Philosophy, CUHK (2015-17) and the Division of Humanities, HKUST (2016-2017). His research interests are in Chinese Philosophy (esp. Song Ming Neo-Confucianism and Qing Confucianism), Comparative Philosophy, and Moral Psychology. His first book, On Evil: Thinking Through the Wang Yangming School of Late Ming Neo-Confucianism 晚明王學原惡論, was published by NTU Press in 2018. He was then awarded the Young Scholar Fellowship: Einstein Program by The Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan in 2019, which supports him for a five-year research project on “Habit as Second Nature: The Problem of Evil in Qing Confucianism.” In 2014-2015, he was a Visiting Scholar at Boston University School of Theology under the Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award Program. During the 2022-2023 academic year, he will work on a comparative and interdisciplinary research project entitled “Seeking the Lost Mind: The Moral Psychology of Evil in Neo-Confucian Philosophy,” based in Cambridge, MA. He will stay at Harvard for 10 months under the Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholars Program, and then continue his research in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT for 3 additional months with the support of the Fulbright Senior Research Grant – his second Fulbright award.

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