Namigata Tsuyoshi

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2022 to May 2023

University Affiliation

Tsuyoshi Namiagta is a Professor of Modern Japanese Literature at the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University, Japan. He was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Japanese Studies of Seoul National University, Korea, 2011-2012. He published his Ph.D. thesis as a monograph of Ekkyo no Avangyarudo [Border-Crossings in the Japanese Avantgarde] in 2005, later translated into Korean in 2013. He is interested in the comparative history of the concepts and movements in East Asian avantgarde and modernism. He is now engaged in the East Asian Modernism Studies Project, trying to examine the historical meaning of Japanese literary modernism during wartime and write the regional history of literary modernism in East Asia.

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