Prehistory of Music in China

Aug 29, 2023 | 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM

Event Registration

Please note – event time is 2:00 PM Hong Kong time, 2:00 AM ET

An online symposium derived from a cross-national interdisciplinary research project supported by the Harvard-Yenching Institute:

Speakers: Professor YANG Yuanzheng (University of Hong Kong; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2019-20), Professor Kazuo MIYAMOTO (Kyushu University), Dr. Kirie STROMBERG (Yale University), and Professor ZHANG Wenjie (Xiamen University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2019-20) 

Discussant: Professor Lothar VON FALKENHAUSEN (UCLA) 

Moderator: Dr. Sheryl CHOW (University of Hong Kong)  

By combining archaeological and musicological approaches, this online symposium aims to explore the prehistory of music in ancient China. A series of case studies form its central core, around which the contribution that archaeological finds have made to the formation, refining, or refuting of historical paradigms is evaluated.


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