
The Secret Service and Local Politics: A Case Study of the Fuzhou Firefighter Association and the Bureau of Investigation Statistics (Military Commission) in Northern Fujian Province (1890-1952)


Roger Shih-Chieh Lo 羅士傑

Historical Inquiry 臺大歷史學報 71, June 2023

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Abstract: Most research on the Bureau of Investigation Statistics (Military Commission, known as “Juntong”) has centered on Dai Li (1897-1946). The Juntong usually has been regarded as a mysterious and ruthless hive of assassins, thus research has tended to be focused on underground criminal societies, political violence, and related phenomena. This approach has led to a shallow, imprecise understanding of the Juntong, as well as lack of insight into its actual operations. For the present study, a local history research approach was adopted to disclose and present the complex relationship between the Fuzhou Firefighter Association and the Juntong as two distinct organizations which involved emerging social groups in local political operations during different eras of 20th-century. In particular, this article examines the developmental history of the Fuzhou Firefighter Association and the Juntong’s Minbei Station in Fujian Province from 1890 to 1952. By adopting a bottom-up historical perspective and emphasizing personnel development, it explores how the Bureau of Investigation Statistics (Military Commission) and the most significant local social organization in the Fuzhou area from the late 19th century, namely, the Firefighter Association, formed an alliance. Based on the results of this research, it offers a reassessment of the developmental trajectory of local politics in Fuzhou.

摘要: 現有針對軍統組織的研究,大多以戴笠(1897-1946)為核心。然本文目的在於闡述如何運用地方社會研究的觀點,思考不同時代的新興人群組織──福州地區救火會與軍統,涉及地方政治運作與20世紀歷史發展的複雜關係。坊間廣泛流傳軍統神秘冷酷的殺手形象,且過往對軍統與地方政治發展的討論,多從黑幫地下社會與政治暴力等角度切入,導致刻板印象的認識有餘,但對實際運作狀況仍缺乏了解。本文將以由下到上的歷史觀點,討論1890至1952年的福州救火聯合會與軍統福建省閩北站的發展歷程。從人事發展角度,探明軍統局與19世紀末以來福州地區最重要的人群組織──救火會,雙方如何達成結盟,並重新思考福州地方政治的發展歷程。

About the authorRoger Shih-Chieh Lo was a HYI Visiting Scholar from 2019-20.