
Observing Things: A Study on Shao Yong’s Philosophy


Li Zhen 李震

Beijing: Sanlian (SDX & Harvard-Yenching Academic Library), 2023

About the book: 邵雍是北宋理学建立时期的重要哲学家,然与同为北宋五子的周敦颐、张载、二程四子相比,邵雍哲学因异质性而鲜有深入研究。本书旨在完成这个颇具难度的课题,通过对邵雍“观物”之理抉发,揭示他为即将到来的理学时代所作了刚柔两方面的奠基。


Preface  Yang Lihua
Chapter 1  Introduction

Chapter 2  Life

Chapter 3  Works
Annals under Supreme Principles
Collections of Yichuan Ji-rang Poems
Shao Yong’s Autobiographical Essays
Shao Yong’s Taixuan Essays

Chapter 4  Origins

Chapter 5  Studies of the Changes
Main Themes and General Characteristics
Views of the History of the Changes
Transformation of Hexagrams
Formation of Hexagrams
Diagrams of the Changes

Chapter 6  Ti-yong
Prehistory of Shao Yong’s Concept of ti-yong
Origins of Shao Yong’s Concept of ti-yong
Yong within Ti
Yong versus Ti


Chapter 7  Mind and Nature
On Nature
On Mind

Chapter 8 Observing Things
Observing Things

Chapter 9  Principles of Governance
Annals under Supreme Principles
Prehistory of Huang-di-wang-ba
Shao Yong’s Theory of Huang-di-wang-ba

Appendix 1  Supplement and Rectification of the Collative Works of Shao Yong

Appendix 2  On Lü Gongzhu’s Poems in Quan Song Shi

Appendix 3  Exploring the Numbers and Knowing the Future – On the Transmutation of Shao Yong’s Images in History and the Apocryphal Divining Methods

Appendix 4  Evaluation on Wang Fuzhi’s Critique on Shao Yong’s Thoughts



About the author: Li Zhen was a HYI Visiting Fellow from 2015-16.

About the series: The SDX and HYI Academic Series 三联·哈佛燕京学术丛书 began in 1994. It is edited by Feng Jinhong (assisted by Yang Le) and is expected to publish 6 titles per year.