
The Life of Michiko Aoyama: A Narrative


Aoyama Waka (The University of Tokyo)

First Interview – View Working Paper [PDF] (posted December 2023)
Second Interview – View Working Paper [PDF] (posted January 2024)
Third Interview – View Working Paper [PDF] (posted February 2024)
Fourth Interview – View Working Paper [PDF] (posted March 2024)
Fifth Interview – View Working Paper [PDF] (posted April 2024)
Sixth Interview – View Working Paper [PDF] (posted May 2024)
Seventh Interview – View Working Paper [PDF] (posted July 2024)

Abstract: These papers are part of the preparation for a piece of “kiki-gaki” (a style of oral history in Japanese) entitled Handing Over Memories: From Two Mothers to Their Daughters, to be published in 2025. This work will weave together the narratives of two first-generation urban, college-educated women who grew up as the descendants of poor settlers in Mindanao, Philippines and Hokkaido, Japan (both of which served as “internal colonies” within their respective nation-states), respectively. The Japanese woman in this study is named Michiko (at her request, her last name is not given in the Japanese version). Her great-grandparents were poor farmers who migrated from mainland Japan to Hokkaido in the 1920’s. When she was born in Sakhalin in 1944, her father was a coal miner. The author plans to conduct seven 50-minute interviews at her home between December 2023 and June 2024. These studies are edited versions of the interviews. English translations of the entire interviews are included as appendices to these studies. Some of the names of the persons and institutions in these studies have been withheld to maintain confidentiality.

Keywords: Japan, Hokkaido, Sakhalin, descendants of settlers, ”kiki-gaki”, narrative

要約: これらの論文は、2025年に出版される予定である『記憶を手渡す­―ふたりの母から娘たちへ』というタイトルの「聞き書き」(日本語のオーラル・ヒストリーのひとつのスタイル)作品を作るための準備の一部である。この作品では、フィリピンのミンダナオ島と日本の北海道(どちらも国民国家における「国内植民地」であった)で、それぞれ貧しい移民の子孫として育ったのちに、都市で大学教育を受けたふたりの女性の語りを織り合わせていく。このうち、日本人女性の名前はミチコという(本人の希望により、日本語版では名字を伏せている)。彼女の曽祖父母は貧しい農民で、1920年代に日本本土から北海道に移住してきた。彼女がサハリンで生まれた1944年、父親は炭鉱労働者であった。筆者は2023年12月から2024年6月にかけて、彼女の自宅で50分のインタビューを7回行う予定である。これらの論文はインタビューの編集版であり、付録としてインタビュー全文の英訳を添えてある。プライバシー保護のため、これらに登場する人物や諸機関の名前は伏せられている。


About the Working Paper Series: The Harvard-Yenching Institute is pleased to make available working papers by HYI affiliated scholars on topics in the humanities and social sciences, with special attention to the study of Asian culture. The HYI Working Paper Series welcomes submissions from all HYI-affiliated faculty and fellowship grantees (including graduate students). Scholars are invited to post papers either in English or in an Asian language. To submit a paper, please email strogatz@fas.harvard.edu.

The views expressed in the HYI Working Paper Series are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Harvard-Yenching Institute. HYI Working Papers have not undergone formal review and approval. Such papers are included in this series to elicit feedback and to encourage discussion. Copyright belongs to the author(s). Papers may be downloaded for personal use only, and may not be cited without the author’s permission.