Kaiping Zhang

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2024 to May 2025

University Affiliation

Kaiping Zhang is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Tsinghua University. She specializes in political communication, deliberative democracy, and Chinese politics, with a particular focus on how communication processes—such as propaganda, deliberation, and social information sharing facilitated by digital technologies—shape Chinese politics, influence public opinion, and impact policy decisions.

Kaiping earned her Ph.D. in Communication from Stanford University. Her scholarly contributions have been published in leading peer-reviewed journals, including Political Psychology and Contemporary Politics. Before joining Tsinghua University, she served as a Research Associate at the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford University where she participated in multiple Deliberative Pollings across the world. She has received multiple awards for her work, including the Top Paper Award from the Division of Political Communication at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association.

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