Conference Travel Grants
In order to increase participation of Asia-based scholars in major scholarly conferences on Asian Studies organized by faculty members of Harvard University, the Harvard-Yenching Institute welcomes proposals from the conference faculty organizer(s) for a grant to support several such scholars (preferably from more than one Asian country) per conference. This grant is limited to major conferences with clear publication plans, focused on the humanities or social sciences with an emphasis on culture. Requests to support training programs or informal workshops cannot be considered.
Terms and conditions
- It is recommended that HYI be included in the planning process, with an opportunity to offer suggestions on program and participants before the final conference agenda is drawn up.
- The grant will be in the form of reimbursement for (economy-class) airfare and accommodation expenses of up to $10,000 per conference (with a maximum of $2500 per scholar).
- The HYI generally limits its conference grants to one per fiscal year per Harvard center or institute.
- Asia-based scholars must serve as paper presenters and/or panel discussants at the conference to be eligible for support from this grant.
Application Process
Requests for travel grants should be made by the conference organizer(s) and e-mailed to A complete application should consist of: a detailed description of the scholarly rationale and objectives of the conference, a list of invited and committed participants, including the proposed attendees from Asia for whom travel support is being requested, a budget, information on other sources of sponsorship, and publication plans.
There are two deadlines for submission of applications for the conference travel grant each year: April 15 and October 15