Book Talk with Tony Saich, Author of “From Rebel to Ruler: One Hundred Years of the Chinese Communist Party”

May 25, 2021 | 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Event Registration


Anthony Saich | Daewoo Professor of International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School; Director, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation


Elizabeth J. Perry | Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government, Harvard University; Director, Harvard-Yenching Institute

Organized by the Ash Center, and cosponsored by the Harvard-Yenching Institute and the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies

The Ash Center invites you to a book talk with Tony Saich, Daewoo Professor of International Affairs, Ash Center Director, and author of the forthcoming From Rebel to Ruler: One Hundred Years of the Chinese Communist Party (Harvard University Press, 2021). Saich will be joined by Elizabeth J. Perry, Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government at Harvard University and Director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute.

For more information about the event and the book, please visit the Ash Center website.

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