Cosponsored by the Harvard Yenching Institute, the Research Center for Cultural Heritage and Texts (Nagoya University), and the National Institute of Japanese Literature
8:30am Opening Remarks: Chikamoto Kensuke 近本謙介 (Harvard Yenching Institute/Nagoya University)
Panel 1: Medieval Japanese Art and Religion in the Context of Esoteric Buddhism
パネル 1「中世密教の宗教・美術空間」
Chair: CHIKAMOTO Kensuke
GUO Jia-ning 郭佳寧 (Nagoya University)
INOSE Chihiro 猪瀬千尋 (Nagoya University)
SEYA Takayuki 瀬谷貴之 (Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa-Bunko Museum)
Discussant: UNNO Keisuke 海野圭介 (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
Panel 2: The Sedgwick “Shotoku Taish At Age Two” and Its Contents
パネル 2「ハーバード美術館蔵聖徳太子二歳像胎内納入品」
Chair: Abe Ryūichi 阿部龍一 (EALC, Harvard University)
SAUNDERS, Rachel (Harvard Art Museum)
ABE Yasuro 阿部泰郎 (Nagoya University)
SEYA Ai 瀬谷愛 (Tokyo National Museum)
CHIKAMOTO Kensuke 近本謙介 (Harvard Yenching Institute/Nagoya University)
Discussant: Kevin Carr (University of Michigan)
11:50-12:10 Roundtable Discussion
12:10-1:30 Lunch Break
Panel 3: On the Illustrated scroll Chigoima
パネル 3『ちごいま参り』絵巻の物語空間
Chair: MCCORMICK, Melissa (EALC, Harvard University)
SUEMATSU Misaki 末松美咲 (Nagoya University)
HATTORI Yuka 服部友香 (Nagoya University)
Discussant: SAITO Maori 齋藤真麻理 (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
Panel 4 On the Illustrated Scroll Inga gōkyō
パネル4 ハーバード美術館蔵『因果業鏡』絵巻とその宗教空間
Chair: KOBAYASHI Kenji 小林健二 (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
KOIDA Tomoko 恋田知子 (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
ABE Mika 阿部美香 (Historiographical Institute, Tokyo University)
Discussant: Yamamoto Satomi 山本聡美 (Kyoritsu Women’s University)
3:40-4:20pm Roundtable Discussion
4:20 pm Closing Remarks: ABE Yasuro, SAUNDERS, Rachel
Other Participants on 3/25:
SEDGWICK, Walter and Jeannie (Harvard Art Museum Patrons)
ISHIKAWA Tōru 石川透 (Keio University)
AZUMA Kentarō (HYI Visiting Scholar, Nagoya Univ.)
TSAU Jing-huei 曹景惠 (National Taiwan University)
WATANABE Takeshi (Wesleyan University)
KLEIN, Susan (UC Irvine)
NOZAWA Akiko (Nagoya University)
BORENGASSAR, Daniel (EALC, Harvard)
JUSTIN-JUNICH, Leah (HAA, Harvard)
QIN, Yuxin (CSR, Harvard)
LEFEBVRE, Jesse (EALC, Harvard)
ROBSON, James (EALC, Harvard)
SANG, Seung, yeon (Harvard Art Museum)
SWANSON, Eric (EALC, Harvard)
CROSS, Julia (EALC, Harvard)
RAPPO, Gaetan (HAA Visiting Scholar)
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