Dr. Elizabeth Perry (Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government, Harvard University; Director; Harvard-Yenching Institute)
Director of Planning:
Dr. Li Ruohong (Associate Director, Harvard-Yenching Institute)
Dr. Hongxiang Wu (Deputy Dean, Graduate School of Fudan Univeristy)
Academic Directors:
Dr. Jin Cao (Professor of Media Sociology and Critical Communication Theory, Journalism School, Fudan University)
Dr. Shakuntala Banaji (Associate Professor, Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science)
Dr. Mel Y. Chen (Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies and Vice Chair for Research; Director, Center for the Study of Sexual Culture, University of California, Berkeley)
Aims of the Workshop:
Since the beginning of the 21st Century, the network-outsourcing model has transformed the previously closed and monopolized modes of production into open and sharing ones. With corporate boundaries being pushed, organizations will view broader communities as the ‘new world’. Online communities are now able to organize people, constituting the most efficient unit of media production. Meanwhile, with the unprecedented “global expansion” of media conglomerates, the trends of commercialization, privatization, centralization, and deregulation in the communications industry have intensified, rather than declined. They have become increasingly integrated with publication, broadcasting and information services. The most up-to-date methods of business administration, including processessuch as production, marketing, financing and accounting, have penetrated every dimension of the media. Through the penetration of the communications industry, a new form of hierarchical organization is being established worldwide. Media organizations’ goal of profit-making have been further integrated into the disciplinary power of capitalism, the hegemony of heteronormativity and patriachy. Living in specific social contexts, individuals are likely to feel the control of the political and economic systems, but not necessarily to see the gender order shaped by media, as well as its complex and subtle control mechanisms. The gender order tends to be integrated into economic interests, political goals and cultural norms. Moreover, the power hierarchy of social gender is mutually intersected with the hypocrisy and exclusivity hidden in the notions of class, race, nation, region and citizenship. The “Fudan – Harvard-Yenching Institute Training Workshop on ‘New Media and Gender Studies'” is intended to both enrich the theoretical quality of critical media studies, and to contribute to policy planning and practices. Reflecting on globalization and international references, academic and theoretical works focused on the field of “media and gender studies” will provide new insights and perspectives to enrich Chinese academia. They will help to broaden the theoretical horizon of China’s communications research, to intervene in the reproduction of the existing social order, to seek out forces for social transformation in Chinese society, and to critically analyse the processes of ‘knowledge’ production. All these will enhance the teaching of gender equality and its topics exploration in the future.
- Dr. Jin Cao (Professor of Media Sociology and Critical Communication Theory, Journalism School, Fudan University)
- Dr. Shakuntala Banaji (Associate Professor, Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science)
- Dr. Mel Y. Chen (Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies and Vice Chair for Research; Director, Center for the Study of Sexual Culture, University of California, Berkeley)
- Dr. Kaitlynn Mendes (Associate Professor in Media and Communication, Leicester University)
- Dr. Alison Harvey (Lecturer in Media and Communication,Deputy Research Director, Media Cultures Cluster, Leicester University )
- Dr. Lingzhen Wang (Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, Brown University)
- Dr. Shaojing Sun (Associate Professor of Journalism School, Fudan University)
- Dr. Wei Wei (Associate Professor of Sociology Department, East China Normal University)
- Dr. Qian Wang (PhD in Popular Music and Gender Studies, University of Liverpool)
- Dr. Jingfang Liu (Associate Professor of Journalism School, Fudan University)
- Dr. Di Xu (Lecturer, Journalism School, Fudan University)
- Dr. Xinlei Lu (Lecturer, Humanities School, East China University of Political Science and Law)
- Dr. Jing Xu (Lecturer, School of Journalism and New Media, Xi’An Jiaotong University)
- Yu Kong (PhD Candidate at Journalism School, Fudan University)
- Dr. Qian Wang (PhD in Popular Music and Gender Studies, University of Liverpool)
- Dr. Xi Lin (Associate Professor, Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences)
- Dr. Wei Wei (Associate Professor, Sociology Department, East China Normal University)
- Yanning Huang (PhD Candidate, London School of Economics and Political Science)
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