Guidelines for HYI Alumni to Organize a Workshop or Conference


In order to encourage Harvard-Yenching Institute alumni to maintain active scholarly networks in Asia and beyond, the Institute welcomes proposals from former visiting scholars and fellows to organize small-scale, one- or two-day workshops/conferences on clearly defined topics of academic importance, likely to result in a significant publication. We have in mind an academic gathering of approximately a dozen scholars drawn from different countries and regions in Asia, supplemented (in some cases) by a very small number of scholars from outside of Asia.

Terms and conditions

To encourage smooth, efficient and well organized proceedings, organizers should take note of the following guidelines:

  1. Organizers: should be 1-2 former visiting scholars and fellows from the regular fellowship program and/or field development training programs. Applicants should be current active faculty members at the host university or institution in Asia for a proposed workshop. Normally HYI alumni who received this grant in the past three years are not eligible to apply.
  2. Planning Process: HYI should be included at an early stage, with ample opportunity to offer suggestions on program and participants before the final workshop/conference agenda is decided.
  3. Budget: up to US $20,000 pending final budgetary approval. Cost-sharing from the host university or institution is expected. A pledge of significant support from the host should be included in the budget.
  4. Size: approximately 10-15 participants. A small number of faculty members and doctoral students in the relevant field from the host institution may join as auditors. 2-3 scholars from outside of Asia may be invited as paper presenters.
  5. Timing: Final proposals should be submitted at least 6 months prior to the date of the event. Applications will be reviewed competitively twice a year: April 15 and October 15.
  6. Review: Final proposals will be evaluated by the Harvard-Yenching Institute’s review committee on a competitive basis. The Institute will inform the organizers of its decision within six weeks after the submission deadline.

Application Process

Requests for the HYI to support alumni workshops/conferences should be made by the HYI alumni organizers and e-mailed to  A complete application should consist of:

  • a detailed description of the scholarly rationale and objectives of the workshop/conference;
  • recent c.v.s for the organizers;
  • a list of proposed attendees and committed participants;
  • a budget including sources of sponsorship and amount of support from the host institution;
  • clear publication plans.

There are two deadlines for submission of applications each year: April 15 and October 15.