Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series
Overseen by the Asia Center Publications Program, the Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series consists of over 140 titles. For more information, visit the Harvard University Press webpage for the HYI Monograph Series, or visit the Asia Center Publications website.
(for a list of in-print titles, please visit the Harvard University Press website)
1. Albert Herrmann, Historical and Commercial Atlas of China (1935).
2. Gustav Ecke, The Twin Pagodas of Zayton: a study of later Buddhist sculpture in China (1935).
3. Walter Eugene Clark, Two Lamaistic Pantheons (vol. 1), (1937).
4. Walter Eugene Clark, Two Lamaistic Pantheons (vol. 2) (1937).
5. Daniel Sheets Dye, Chinese Lattice Designs (vol. 1) (1937).
6. Daniel Sheets Dye, Chinese Lattice Designs (vol. 2) (1937).
7. Olov R. T Janse, Archaeological Research in Indo-China (1947).
8. Joseph F. Rock, The Ancient Na-khi Kingdom of Southwest China (vol. 1) (1947).
9. Joseph F. Rock, The Ancient Na-khi Kingdom of Southwest China (vol. 2) (1947).
10. Olov R. T. Janse, Archaeological Research in Indo-China.
11. James R. Hightower, Han Shi Wai Chuan: Han Ying (1952).
12. Lien-sheng Yang, Money and Credit in China: a short history (1952).
13. Edward A Kracke, Civil Service in Early Sung China, 960-1067 (1953).
14. John Whitney Hall, Tanuma Okitsugu (1955).
15. Donald H. Shively, The Love Suicide at Amijima: A study of Japanese domestic tragedy by Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1953).
16. Rulan Chao Pian, Song Dynasty Musical Sources and Their interpretation (1967).
17. Kojiro Yoshikawa, An Introduction to Sung Poetry (1967).
18. Shigeru Nakayama, A History of Japanese Astronomy: Chinese background and Western Impact (1969).
19. Shikibu Izumi, The Izumi Shikibu Diary, a romance of the Heian Court (1969).
20. Keikai, Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist tradition (1973).
21. P. Hanan, The Chinese Short Story; studies in dating, authorship, and composition (1973).
22. P. H. Lee, Songs of Flying Dragons: A Critical Reading (1975).
23. K.C. Chang, Early Chinese Civilization: Anthropological Perspectives (1976).
24. W. W. Farris, Population, Disease, and Land in Early Japan, 645–900 (1985).
25. R. W. Leutner, Shikitei Sanba and the Comic Tradition in Edo Fiction (1985).
26. R. D. S. Yates, Washing Silk: The Life and Selected Poetry of Wei Chuang (834?–910) (1987).
27.T. Min, National Polity and Local Power: the Transformation of Later Imperial China (1989).
28. V. H. Mair, Tang Transformation Texts: A Study of the Buddhist Contribution to the Rise of Vernacular Fiction and Drama in China (1989).
29. E. Endicott, Mongolian Rule in China: Local Administration in the Yuan Dynasty (1989).
30. S. Owen, Readings in Chinese Literary Thought (1992).
31. P. Nosco, Remembering Paradise: Nativism and Nostalgia in Eighteenth-Century Japan (1990).
32. P. J. Smith, Taxing Heaven’s Sotrehouse: Horses, Bureaucrats, and the Destruction of the Sichuan Tea Industry, 1074-1224 (1991).
33. S. J. Napier, Escape from the Wasteland: Romanticism and Realism in the Fiction of Mishima Yukio and Oe Kenzaburo (1991).
34. R. G. Wagner, Inside a Service Trade: Studies in Contemporary Chinese Prose (1992).
35. A. L. Markus, The Willow in Autumn: Ryutei Tanehiko, 1783–1842 (1992).
36. M. Deuchler, The Confucian Transformation of Korea: A Study of Society and Ideology (1992).
37. M. R. Pihl, The Korean Singer of Tales (1994).
38. T. Brook, Praying for Power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming China (1994).
39. R. C. Egan, Word, Image, and Deed in the Life of Su Shi (1994).
40. Y. Wu, The Chinese Virago: A Literary Theme (1995).
41. J. R. Cohn, Studies in the Comic Spirit in Modern Japanese Fiction (1998).
42. R. L. Davis, Wind Against the Mountain: The Crisis of Politics and Culture in Thirteenth-Century China (1996).
43. B. Bossler, Powerful Relations: Kinship, Status, and the State in Sung China (960–1279) (1998).
44. R. Egan, trans., Limited Views: Essays on Ideas and Letters Qian Zhongshu (1998).
45. S. Mazumdar, Sugar and Society in China: Peasants, Technology, and the World Market (1998).
46. E. Wilkinson, Chinese History: A Manual (1998).
47. J.R. Hightower and F. C. Yeh, Studies in Chinese Poetry (1998).
48. M. Shahar, Crazy Ji: Chinese Religion and Popular Literature (1998)
49. D. L. Overmyer, Precious Volumes: An Introduction to Chinese Sectarian Scriptures from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (1999).
50. A. Murck, Poetry and Painting in Song China: The Subtle Art of Dissent (2000).
51. B. Ziporyn, Evil and/or/as the Good: Omnicentrism, Intersubjectivity, and Value Paradox in Tiantai Buddhist Thought (2000).
52. E. P. Wilkinson, Chinese History: A Manual (2000).
53. P. Rouzer, Articulated Ladies: Gender and the Male Community in Early Chinese Texts (2001).
55. S. B. Klein, Allegories of Desire: Esoteric Literary Commentaries of Medieval Japan (2003).
56. L. Chia, Printing for Profit: The Commercial Publishers of Jianyang, Fujian (11th–17th Centuries) (2003).
57. M. J. Puett, To Become a God: Cosmology, Sacrifice, and Self-Divinization in Early China (2002).
58. J. T. Zeitlin and L. H. Liu, eds., Writing and Materiality in China: Essays in Honor of Patrick Hanan (2003).
59. W. Shang, Rulin waishi and Cultural Transformation in Late Imperial China (2003).
60. G. Sanders, Words Well Put: Visions of Poetic Competence in the Chinese Tradition (2006).
61. S. D. Carter, Householders: The Reizei Family in Japanese History (2007).
62. T. Miller, The Divine Nature of Power: Chinese Ritual Architecture at the Sacred Site of Jinci (2007).
63. X. Tian, Beacon Fire and Shooting Star: The Literary Culture of the Liang (502–557) (2007).
64. J. Makeham, Lost Soul: “Confucianism” in Contemporary Chinese Academic Discourse (2008).
65. S. Murata, W. C. Chittick, and W. Tu, The Sage Learning of Liu Zhi: Islamic Thought in Confucian Terms (2009).
66. A. Burkus-Chasson, Through a Forest of Chancellors: Fugitive Histories in Liu Yuan’s Lingyan ge, an Illustrated Book from Seventeenth-Century Suzhou (2010).
67. K. L. Thornber, Empire of Texts in Motion: Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese Transculturations of Japanese Literature (2009).
68. D. M. Robinson, Empire’s Twilight: Northeast Asia Under the Mongols (2009).
69. E. Menegon, Ancestors, Virgins, and Friars: Christianity as a Local Religion in Late Imperial China (2010).
70. C. M. B. Nugent, Manifest in Words, Written on Paper: Producing and Circulating Poetry in Tang Dynasty China (2011).
71. J. W. Chen, The Poetics of Sovereignty: On Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (2011).
72. K. E. Brashier, Ancestral Memory in Early China (2011).
73. R. Mostern, ‘Dividing the Realm in Order to Govern’: The Spatial Organization of the Song State (2011).
74. W. Denecke, The Dynamics of Masters Literature: Early Chinese Thought from Confucius to Han Feizi (2011).
75. T. Y. Tan, Songs of Contentment and Transgression: Discharged Officials and Literati Communities in Sixteenth-Century North China (2010).
76. Y. Wang, Ten Thousand Scrolls: Reading and Writing in the Poetics of Huang Tingjian and the Late Northern Song (2011).
77. K. H. Koh, A Northern Alternative: Xue Xuan (1389–1464) and the Hedong School (2011).
78. X. Tian, Visionary Journeys: Travel Writings from Early Medieval and Nineteenth-Century China (2011).
79. H. Fujiki, Making Personas: Transnational Film Stardom in Modern Japan (2013).
80. S. Kwa, Strange Eventful Histories: Identity, Performance, and Xu Wei’s Four Cries of a Gibbon (2013).
81. B. Rusk, Critics and Commentators: The Book of Poems as Classic and Literature (2012).
82. Y. He, Home and the World: Editing the Glorious Ming in Woodblock-Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (2013).
83. B. Bossler, Courtesans, Concubines, and the Cult of Female Fidelity (2013).
84. E. Wilkinson, Chinese History: A New Manual (2013).
85. J. Norman, A Comprehensive Manchu-English Dictionary (2013).
86. M. Fuller, Drifting among Rivers and Lakes: Southern Song Dynasty Poetry and the Problem of Literary History (2013).
87. D. M. Robinson, Martial Spectacles of the Ming Court (2013).
88. S. Wu, Modern Archaics: Continuity and Innovation in the Chinese Lyric Tradition, 1900–1937 (2013).
89. O. Milburn, Cherishing Antiquity: The Cultural Construction of an Ancient Chinese Kingdom (2013).
90. R. Egan, The Burden of Female Talent: The Poet Li Qingzhao and Her History in China (2014).
91. K. E. Brashier, Public Memory in Early China (2014).
92. Wai-yee Li, Women and National Trauma in Late Imperial Chinese Literature (2014).
93. Nicolas Tackett, The Destruction of the Medieval Chinese Aristocracy (2014).
94. Tamara T. Chin, Savage Exchange: Han Imperialism, Chinese Literary Style, and the Economic Imagination (2014).
95. Sarah M. Allen, Shifting Stories: History, Gossip, and Lore in Narratives from Tang Dynasty China (2014.)
96. Anna M. Shields, One Who Knows Me: Friendship and Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China (2015).
97. Lin Wei-Ping, Materializing Magic Power: Chinese Popular Religion in Villages and Cities (2015).
98. Song Jaeyoon, Traces of Grand Peace: Classics and State Activism in Imperial China (2015).
99. Ellen Widmer, Fiction’s Family: Zhan Xi, Zhan Kai, and the Business of Women in Late-Qing China (2016).
100. Endymion Wilkinson, Chinese History: A New Manual, Fourth Edition (2015).
101. Han Seunghyun, After the Prosperous Age: State and Elites in Early Nineteenth-Century Suzhou (2016).
102. Terry F. Kleeman, Celestial Masters: History and Ritual in Early Daoist Communities (2016).
103. Rebecca Doran, Transgressive Typologies: Constructions of Gender and Power in Early Tang China (2017).
104. Ong Chang Woei, Li Mengyang, the North-South Divide, and Literati Learning in Ming China (2016).
105. Elena Suet-Ying Chiu, Bannermen Tales (Zidishu): Manchu Storytelling and Cultural Hybridity in the Qing Dynasty (2017).
106. Steven B. Miles, Upriver Journeys: Diaspora and Empire in Southern China, 1570–1850 (2017).
107. Constance Cook, Ancestors, Kings, and the Dao (2017).
108. Xiaofei Tian, The Halberd at Red Cliff: Jian’an and the Three Kingdoms (2018).
109. William T Rowe, Speaking of Profit: Bao Shichen and Reform in Nineteenth-Century China (2018).
110. Hou Li, Building for Oil: Daqing and the Formation of the Chinese Socialist State (2018).
111. Wendy Swartz, Reading Philosophy, Writing Poetry: Intertextual Modes of Making Meaning in Early Medieval China (2018).
112. Suyoung Son, Writing for Print: Publishing and the Making of Textual Authority in Late Imperial China (2018).
113. Ya Zuo, Shen Gua’s Empiricism (2018).
114. Stephen Owen, Just a Song: Chinese Lyrics from the Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries (2019).
115. Sarah Schneewind, Shrines to Living Men in the Ming Political Cosmos (2018).
116. Jinping Wang, In the Wake of the Mongols: The Making of a New Social Order in North China, 1200–1600 (2018).
117. Hsiao-t’i Li, Opera, Society, and Politics in Modern China (2019).
118. Franciscus Verellen, Imperiled Destinies: The Daoist Quest for Deliverance in Medieval China (2019).
119. Loretta E. Kim, Ethnic Chrysalis: China’s Orochen People and the Legacy of Qing Borderland Administration (2019).
120. Poul Andersen, The Paradox of Being: Truth, Identity, and Images in Daoism (2019).
121. Xiaoqiao Ling, Feeling the Past in Seventeenth-Century China (2019).
122. Robert Ford Campany, The Chinese Dreamscape, 300 BCE – 800 CE (2020).
123. D. Jonathan Felt, Structures of the Earth: Metageographies of Early Medieval China (2021).
124. Jack W. Chen, Anecdote, Network, Gossip, Performance: Essays on the Shishuo xinyu (2021).
125. Alexander Des Forges, Testing the Literary: Prose and the Aesthetic in Early Modern China (2021).
126. Lucas Rambo Bender, Du Fu Transforms: Tradition and Ethics amid Societal Collapse (2021).
127. Endymion Wilkinson, Chinese History, Volume 1: A New Manual, Enlarged Sixth Edition (Fiftieth Anniversary Edition) (2022).
128. Endymion Wilkinson, Chinese History, Volume 2: A New Manual, Enlarged Sixth Edition (Fiftieth Anniversary Edition) (2022).
129. Xiaoshan Yang, Wang Anshi and Song Poetic Culture (2022).
130. Peter K. Bol, Localizing Learning: The Literati Enterprise in Wuzhou, 1100–1600 (2022).
131. Vincent Goossaert, Making the Gods Speak: The Ritual Production of Revelation in Chinese Religious History (2022).
132. Richard G. Wang, Lineages Embedded in Temple Networks: Daoism and Local Society in Ming China (2022).
133. Wu Jieh-min (translated by Stacy Mosher), Rival Partners: How Taiwanese Entrepreneurs and Guangdong Officials Forged the China Development Model (2022).
134. Keith McMahon, Saying All That Can Be Said: The Art of Describing Sex in Jin Ping Mei (2023).
135. Tomoyasu Iiyama, Genealogy and Status: Hereditary Office Holding and Kinship in North China under Mongol Rule (2023).
136. Zeb Raft, The Threshold: The Rhetoric of Historiography in Early Medieval China (2023).
137. Sarah M. Allen, Jack W. Chen, and Xiaofei Tian (eds.), Literary History in and beyond China: Reading Text and World (2023).
138. Robert Ford Campany, Dreaming and Self-Cultivation in China, 300 BCE–800 CE (2023).
139. Amy McNair, The Painting Master’s Shame: Liang Shicheng and the Xuanhe Catalogue of Paintings (2023).
140. Ariel Fox, The Cornucopian Stage: Performing Commerce in Early Modern China (2023).
141. Huan Jin, The Collapse of Heaven: The Taiping Civil War and Chinese Literature and Culture, 1850-1880 (2024).
142. Gregory M. Patterson, Elegies for Empire A Poetics of Memory in the Late Work of Du Fu (2024).
143. He Bian and Mårten Söderblom Saarela, The Manchu Mirrors and the Knowledge of Plants and Animals in High Qing China (2025, forthcoming).
144. Wilt L. Idema, A Historical Taxonomy of Talking Birds in Chinese Literature (2025).