The Harvard-Yenching Institute Director’s Message

The Harvard-Yenching Institute (HYI), an independent foundation located on the Harvard University campus, was founded nearly 100 years ago. As it nears its centennial, the HYI is rather different than it was at its founding in 1928 (see this link on its history and operations). Previous directors adapted the HYI to changing times and introduced new initiatives, but its core mission of advancing higher education in Asia has remained unchanged. Today, the HYI provides support—primarily for research, training, libraries, and publications about Asia in the humanities and social sciences—to Harvard and its 60+ partner institutions in Asia.  Information about the institute’s activities—including fellowship and grant opportunities, training programs and academic events, and publicationscan be found on this website.

As I begin my term as the eighth Director of the HYI, I am grateful to the previous Director, Elizabeth J. Perry, for all that she did to shape the HYI into what it is today. I look forward to working with the excellent HYI staff, Board of Trustees, Harvard faculty, partner institutions, visiting scholars, and all the distinguished alumni located across Asia.

James Robson

Director, Harvard-Yenching Institute