HYI Alumni News: Fall 2024

Alumni News

Congratulations to our alumni on their recent honors, promotions, and publications!

Chi-keung Chan (Visiting Scholar, 2022-23) is the author of “Practice by Unpractice: Taizhou Moral Philosophy Reconsidered,” in Philosophy East and West.

Jack Meng-Tat Chia (RSEA Fellow, 2009-12) has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of History at the National University of Singapore. He has also been named the inaugural Foo Hai Ch’an Monastery Fellow in Buddhist Studies at NUS. In August, he and his colleagues established the NUS Buddhist Studies Group, with him serving as the founding chair.

Shuhua Fan (Visiting Scholar, 1996-97) is author of “Confucius Institutes in the Xi Jinping Era: From Peak to Decline in the United States,” in Xiaobing Li and Qiang Fang, eds., China Under Xi Jinping: A New Assessment (Leiden University Press, 2024).

Joon-Hwan Kim (Visiting Scholar, 2003-04; Associate 2012-13 and 2019-20) is the editor, translator, and annotator of The Complete Works of Ki-Rim Kim, Textual Criticism: Volume 1, Poems—“Beyond the “Territory of the Lyric,” published by Yonsei University Press. September 2024, xiii + 1123 pages.

Nishit Kumar (Chinese Studies in India Visiting Fellow, 2019-20) is author of “The role of “Others” in the Award of Nobel Prize in Literature Case of Mo Yan” in Assonance: A Journal of Russian & Comparative Literary Studies (published by the Department of Russian & Comparative Literature, University of Calicut), No.24, January 2024.

Jaehwan Lim (Visiting Scholar, 2018-19) and Asei Ito (Visiting Scholar, 2022-23) are co-authors (with Hongyong Zhang) of “Uncovering Xi Jinping’s Policy Agenda: Text As Data Approach” in The Developing Economies (2024).

Trang Phan (Visiting Scholar, 2020-21) is the co-author (with Bianca Basciano and Lan Chu) of “Asymmetry in the Acquisition of Directed Motion Constructions in L2 Vietnamese: A Comparative Study of Chinese and Korean Learners” in ANNALI DI CA’ FOSCARI. SERIE ORIENTALE, vol. 60, pp. 195-238.

Tsuyoshi Namigata (Visiting Scholar, 2022-23) is co-editor of 比較文学比較文化ハンドブック (A Companion to Comparative Literature & Culture), published by University of Tokyo Press.

Porranee Singpliam (Visiting Scholar, 2024-25) is the author of “เกย์และการบวช: อัตลักษณ์ทางเพศสถานะและมโนทัศน์เรื่องการอุปสมบทของกลุ่มเกย์ในสังคมเมือง” (“Gays and ordination: Sexual identity and gay men’s attitudes to Buddhist ordination in urban Thai society”) in the anthology ร่างทรงเกย์ หมอดูกะเทย สบงหลากสี ความหลากหลายทางเพศในศาสนาและพิธีกรรมสมัยใหม่ (Queer rights and rainbow robes: Sexual and gender diversity in Thai religion and modern ritual).

Jie Wu (Chinese Politics Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2018-19) is author of Politicized Medical Dispute Resolution in China (Springer, 2024)

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