HYI Alumni News: November-December 2021

Alumni News

Congratulations to our alumni on their recent honors, promotions, and publications!

Chen Wei (Visiting Scholar, 2018-19) is author of 中国的低生育率与两孩政策效应 (China’s Low Fertility and the Impacts of the Two-Child Policy), Tsinghua University Press, 2021.

Sittithep Eaksittipong (NUS-HYI Joint Doctoral Scholar, 2012-16) is author of เขียนจีนให้เป็นไทย: ตัวตน “ไทย-จีน” ที่เพิ่งสร้าง กับ การเมือง/การทูตวิชาการ ในสังคมศาสตร์สงครามเย็น (Textualizing the Chinese of Thailand: Sino-Thai Identity, Academic Diplomacy and Cold War Social Sciences), published by Matichon Publishing House, 2021.

Jiang Jin (Visiting Scholar, 2011-12) is co-editor (with Ruan Qinghua) of 城恋乡愁:二十世纪中国的城乡关系史 (Love the City, Miss the Country: History of Urban and Rural Relations in China in the 20th Century), published by Social Sciences Academic Press (China) 社会科学文献出版社, November 2021.

Kim Seong Nae (Visiting Scholar, 2015-16) received the 7th Yim Suk-Jae Prize Award in Nov 2020 by the Korean Cultural Anthropology Association for her 2018 monograph 한국무교의 문화인류학 (Cultural Anthropology of Korean Shamanism). She is author of “Memory politics and the emergence of a women’s sphere to counter historical violence in Korea,” in Gender, Transitional Justice and Memorial Arts: Global Perspectives on Commemoration and Mobilisation (Jelke Boesten and Helen Scanlon, eds.) (Routledge, 2021); and “Placing the Dead in the Postmemory
of the Cheju Massacre in Korea” in The Journal of Religion (Volume 99, Number 1, January 2019).

Li Xiaojie (Visiting Scholar, 2001-02) is co-author of 古本與今本:現存〈水經注〉版本彙考 (Original and Revised Books: A Comprehensive Study on the Existing Editions of Notes to the Book of Rivers), published by Fudan University Press in 2021; and 水經注校箋圖釋・洛水流域諸篇 (The Collation, Explanation and Illustration of Notes to the Book of Rivers: Luoshui River Basin), published by China Science Publishing 科学出版社, 2021.

Lin Wei-Ping (Visiting Scholar, 2005-06; Associate, 2017-18) is author of Island Fantasia: Imagining Subjects on the Military Frontline between China and Taiwan, published by Cambridge University Press in 2021.

Qian Jun (Visiting Scholar, 1996-97) is author of 英语结构入门 (The Structure of English: a Short Introduction), published by the Commercial Press in September 2021.

Yao Dadui (Visiting Fellow, 2011-2012) is author of 世界文学理论导论 (Introduction to World Literature in Theory), published by China Social Sciences Press, Beijing, June 2021.


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