HYI Alumni News: Summer 2024

Alumni News

Congratulations to our alumni on their recent honors, promotions, and publications!

Jie-Hyun Lim (Visiting Scholar, 2002-03) is author of Opfernationalismus. Errinerung und Herrschaft in der postkolonialen Welt (Victimhood Nationalism: Politics of Memory in the Postcolonial World) (Wagenbach Verlag, 2024). From March 2024 – February 2029 he will hold the title of CIPSH Chair & Distinguished Professor at Sogang University. He will also hold a one month professorship at EHESS, Paris in May 2024, and will be the Class of 1955 Distinguished Visiting Professor in Global Studies at Williams College from July 2024 to June 2025.

Nguyen Hoang-Yen (Visiting Scholar, 2020-21) is co-editor (with Lê Quang Trường and Chen Yi Yuan) of The Envoy Poetry of Nguyễn Dynasty: National Consciousness and Cultural Dialogue (Ho Chi Minh City: National University Publishing House, 2024).

Gang Song (Joint HYI-Ricci Institute Visiting Researcher, 2023-24) published a volume titled  洋字與華文:近代香港與上海的西書翻譯與出版 [Chinese Translations and Publications of Western Books in Hong Kong and Shanghai in the Modern Era](Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2024). He is also the author of “調適與移植—晚明至清中葉天主教的聖經漢譯” (Adaptation and Transmission: Catholic Bible Translations in Late Imperial China) in Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology (No. 60 Spring 2024), 57-83. He also serves as the Chief Editor of the bi-lingual journal HKU Journal of Chinese Studies (formerly Journal of Oriental Studies), with the recent issue (Vol. 2, No. 1) published in April 2024.

Dadui Yao (Visiting Fellow, 2011-12) is author of “The Influence of Qiu Jun on Jesuit Missionaries and Chinese Christian Texts in Ming–Qing China” in Religions (Special Issue: The Catholic Encounter with Chinese Thought, Society and Politics in the Ming–Qing Dynasties), 2024.

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