Ho Kong Chong
Doctoral Scholars
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 1981 to Dec 1984
University Affiliation (Current)
National University of Singapore
University Affiliation
University of Chicago
Trained as an urban sociologist at the University of Chicago, Ho Kong Chong has research interests in neighbourhood and community development, heritage and place-making, the political economy of cities as well as a more recent interest in higher education. Much of his published work is on East (Hong Kong, Seoul and Taipei) and Southeast Asian (Bangkok and Singapore) cities.
Recent Publications
K.C. Ho and Vincent Chua (2018) “The Neighbourhood Roots of Social Cohesion: Notes on an exceptional case of Singapore” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 36(2): 290-312.
Yun Ge and K.C. Ho (2018) Cultivation of Research Labour in Asia with special reference to Singapore. Asia Pacific Education Review, vol.19(2): 199-210.
Collins, F.L. and Ho, K.C. (2018) Introduction: Discrepant knowledge and interAsian mobilities: unlikely movements, uncertain futures”, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education.
Yeo Su-Jan, K.C. Ho and Heng Chye Kiang (2017) “Rethinking Spatial Planning for Urban Conviviality and Social Diversity: A Study of Nightlife in a Singapore Public Housing Estate Neighbourhood”, Town Planning Review 87(4): 379-399.
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