Kang Jin-A
강진아 / 姜抮亞
Visiting Scholar
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2018 to May 2019
University Affiliation
Hanyang University
Jin-A Kang is a Professor in the History Dept. at Hanyang University in Seoul, Republic of Korea. She received her B.A.(1993) and M.A.(1996) from the Dept. of Oriental History, Seoul National University. After obtaining a Ph.D. from Tokyo University in 2001, she held positions in Sungkyunguan University, Seoul (2002–2004) and Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea (2004–2012). She has specialized in modern Chinese history, comparative economic history, Cantonese studies, and overseas Chinese studies. Her research plan in HYI is about the business cooperation and rivalry between Cantonese and Western merchants as powerful transnational merchant diaspora in modern East Asian trade.
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