Kim Jang Hwan
Visiting Scholar
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 2004 to Jun 2005
University Affiliation (Current)
Yonsei University
University Affiliation
Yonsei University
Dr. Kim Jang Hwan is a professor and currently chair of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. His research areas include Chinese traditional philology, Chinese ancient fictions, cultural ideology of the Six Dynasties, and Korean Chinese Literature and translation studies, especially Chinese literary sketches. He has published over 40 papers, 10 books and 50 translations, including “The Circulation and Study of the Shishuo Xinyu in Korea” (Early Medieval China 12, 2008), Anthology of Chinese Literature (3 Volumes, 2010) and annotated translations of Shishuo Xinyu 世說新語 (3 Volumes, 2000, 2008 revised edition), Taiping Guangji 太平廣記 (21 Volumes, 2005), and Tang Zhiyan 唐摭言 (2 Volumes, 2013).
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