Li Siyi
Visiting Fellow
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2016 to Dec 2017
University Affiliation
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Li Siyi is a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his B.A. in Humanities from Wuhan University and M.A. in Intercultural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Li’s research interests include modernity, material culture, modern Chinese literature and culture, and philosophy of technology. His Ph.D. dissertation focuses on trains, railways and Chinese modernity. It looks at trains and railways and reconnects them to the cultural theories and critical thinking of time, space, and speed in a Chinese historical context by establishing a new paradigm of modernity. Within the reflections on affect and materiality, his research examines different kinds of representations and mediums concerning trains and railways such as newspaper reports, pictures, fiction and early cinema, etc., rearticulating modernity from the late Qing to Republican China. While at HYI, he will continue his Ph.D. research, especially on the interaction of railways, landscape, and nationalism in Republican China.
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