Lim Jie-Hyun
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 2002 to Jul 2003
University Affiliation (Current)
Sogang University
University Affiliation
Hanyang University
Professor Lim teaches at Hanyang University in the Department of History. His courses address such issues as comparative histories of nationalist movements and the socio-cultural history of revolutions. He received his M.A. in Modern European History from Sogang University. He received his Ph.D. in European Intellectual History, also from Sogang University.
Current Research Projects: I am beginning a new project, “Global Easts.” Global Easts, neither Global North nor Global South, originated in my work on the transnational history and entangled histories of Eastern Europe and East Asia that need to be elaborated conceptually and empirically in the context of global modernities.
Recent Publications
犠牲者意識ナショナリズム: 国境を超える「記憶」の戦争 (東京: 東洋経済新報社, 2022) Japanese translation of ‘희생자의식 민족주의 (Victimhood Nationalism-A Global History)’ (서울: 휴머니스트, 2021).
Global Easts: Remembering, Imagining, Mobilizing (Columbia University Press, 2022)
『희생자의식민족주의Victimhood Nationalism-A Global History』 (Humanist, 2021)
Mnemonic Solidarity-Global Interventions (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2021). co-edited with Eve Rosenhaft.
『기억전쟁: 가해자는 어떻게 희생자가 되었는가? Memory War: How have perpetrators become victims?』 (Humanist, 2019)
“Triple Victimhood: On the Mnemonic Confluence of the Holocaust, Stalinist Crime, and Colonial Genocide,” Journal of Genocide Research (April 2020). DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2020.1750822
Paul Corner and Jie-Hyun Lim eds, The Palgrave Handbook of Mass Dictatorship (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016). pp. 463 + xxxi;
“Nationalizing the Bolshevik Revolution Transnationally–In Search of Non-Western Modernization among Proletarian Nations-,” in Chatterjee Choi et. al. Wider Arc of Revolution (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2019);
“奇妙な併置――マキシミリアノ・コルベと長崎被爆者の神聖化,” 坪井秀人 編 『戦後日本文化再考』(東京: 三人社, 2019);
“Second World War in Global Memory Space,” in Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze eds., Cambridge History of Second World War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 698-724
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