LIU Ying
Visiting Fellow
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2005 to Dec 2006
University Affiliation (Current)
Sichuan University
University Affiliation
Sichuan University
LIU Ying received her PhD in Comparative Literature from Sichuan University and currently serves as a professor at the College of Literature & Journalism, Sichuan University. She had been a HYI visiting fellow from August 2005 to December 2006, and a visiting scholar to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor during 2016-2017. Her fields of study include translation studies and oversea studies of Chinese literature. At the same time, she is also interested in linguistics and teaching Chinese as a second language. She is the author of On Anglophone Studies of Wenxin diaolong (Bashu Press, 2012) and the editor of An Introduction to Linguistics (Chongqing University Press, 2010). She undertook several government-funded projects on key issues in translating classical Chinese literary theories.
Current Research Projects:
Key issues on translating ancient Chinese literary thought
Categories and discourse system of ancient oriental aesthetic thought
Chinese language in the eyes of the Westerners. the overseas reception of Chinese culture, language and literature
Recent Publications
《英语世界研究》(On Anglophone Studies of Wenxin diaolong),巴蜀书社,2012年4月。
《语言学概论》(An Introduction to Linguistics), 重庆大学出版社,2010年12月。
中国文学译介出版的生产场域与译介模式——以《文心雕龙》英译为中心的考察,《出版广角》2019年7月第14期。(22-26) 人大复印资料《出版业》2019年10月全文转载。
英语世界中国文学译介与研究的若干问题,《英语世界》2017年4月,第5辑。(二作)(1-11 )
再论刘勰与Classicism——兼及王和达教授的《文心雕龙》研究,《华西语文学刊》2015年10月,第11辑 (51-56)
“Designations of Poetry in Translationsof Liu Xie’s (劉勰)Work on Literary Genres.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 17.1(2015): <>
“A Comparative Analysis of ‘自由主义’ and Liberalism”, in Comparative Literature: East & West,2013 No. 1, Vol 16. (141-146)
“A Dialogue across Space and Time: A Survey of Wenxin diaolong Scholarship in the English-Speaking World”, in Comparative Literature: East & West,2008 No. 1, Vol 10. (89-105)
2007年3月。关键词的文化模筑作用:Individualism和“个人主义”分析,《西南交通大学学报》(社会科学版) 2005年5月,第3期。(87-90)人大复印资料G0《文化研究》2005年08期全文转载
“Key Terms and Their Cultural Makings: A Comparative Analysis of geren zhuyi and individualism”, in Comparative Literature: East & West,2004 No. 1, (123-132)
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