MOON Ji Young
문지영 / 文智暎
Field of Study
Political Science
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2016 to Aug 2017
Jul 1999 to Jun 2000
University Affiliation (Current)
Korean Women's Development Institute
University Affiliation
Sogang University
Ji-young Moon received her Ph.D. in Political Thought from Sogang University, South Korea. While preparing her dissertation, she spent two years at the Harvard-Yenching Institute as a visiting fellow. The dissertation was about liberalism in South Korea after the governmental establishment until the 1970s, and was published as a book entitled Dominance and Resistance: The Two Faces of Korean Liberalism (Seoul: Humanitas Publishing, 2011). After receiving her Ph.D., she conducted post-doctoral research as a visiting scholar at Cambridge University (2007-2009). She has researched the Korean democratization movement and the development of liberal democracy in Korea, and in doing so has extended her research interests to women’s problems and gender issues. She worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences, Sogang University, and since 2013 she has been an associate research fellow at the Korean Women’s Development Institute. Her current research project is “Democracy and Gender Equality in South Korea.”
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