Pak Soon-Yong
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2012 to Jun 2013
University Affiliation (Current)
Yonsei University
University Affiliation
Yonsei University
Soon-Yong Pak is Associate Professor in the Department of Education at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. Dr. Pak is an anthropologist specializing in anthropology of education and currently teaches related subjects as well as courses on qualitative research methodology. He has carried out several fieldwork and research projects in Korea and Turkey. He has published a number of papers on the social history of schooling as well as the cultural dimensions of education in his regions of interest. His ongoing research interests involve the changing social landscape of Korean society and how the education sector is affected as it moves toward a multicultural setting. His more recent research projects involve North Korean refugees, foreign migrant workers, multicultural families, and native English teachers in Korea. During his stay at Harvard-Yenching Institute, he hopes to complete his thesis on the academic resilience of school-aged North Korean refugees by utilizing data collected through narrative inquiry.
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