Piseth Keo
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2012 to Dec 2016
University Affiliation
National University of Singapore
Mr. Piseth KEO is a currently a doctoral scholar with the HYI-NUS Joint Scholarship Program. He is under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Neo Choong Tiong, Harvey, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, National University of Singapore. Mr. Keo has been working with natural resource management since late 2004. His research interests focus on understanding various concepts and approaches for natural resources management including political ecology, property rights, social capital, command-control, common pool resources, and community based natural resource management.
1. Keo, P. & Ken, SR 2012, ‘Chapter 2: Social Capital and Community Based Natural Resource Management: Analytical Perspective’ in Pellini A (ed), Engaging for the Environment The Contribution of Social Capital to Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Cambodia, Phnom Penh. Online via:
2. Keo, P. & Kem, R 2008, ‘Chapter 3: livelihood activities in Peam Krasoap Wildlife Sanctuary’ in N. Kim, M. Melissa, T. Jan, F. Kate & T. Carson (eds), Learning for Change: ten years of experience on community based coastal resource management and livelihood improvement in Koh Kong, Participatory Management of Coastal Resources, Phnom Penh. Online via:
3. Keo, P. 2004, ‘Community Members’ Perception on Mangrove Exploitation in Ream National Park’, Bachelor Thesis, Phnom Penh.
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