Sebastian Heilmann
Coordinate Research Scholar
Field of Study
Political Economy
Years of Stay at HYI
May 2009 to Sep 2009
Feb 2007 to May 2007
University Affiliation (Current)
Mercator Institute for China Studies
University Affiliation
University of Trier
Sebastian Heilmann is the founding director of the Mercator Institute for China Studies, a large new China think tank in Berlin, and professor for the political economy of China. With Elizabeth J. Perry he co-edited the volume Mao’s Invisible Hand: The Political Foundations of Adaptive Governance in China (HUP, 2011). His book on China’s Foreign Political and Economic Relations: An Unconventional Global Power (R&L, 2014, co-authored with Dirk H. Schmidt) brings a European perspective to the international debate on China’s global rise. Heilmann is the editor and principal author of a comprehensive volume on China’s Political System that includes numerous policy case studies and will be published in English language in 2016.
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