Tsai Yu-Yueh
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2022 to May 2023
University Affiliation
Academia Sinica
Yu-Yueh Tsai is an associate research fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, working in the fields of medical sociology; science, technology and society (STS); and race and ethnicity studies with a special focus on issues related to Taiwan Indigenous genetics, suffering, and identity. She used to be the executive director and the supervisor of Taiwan STS Association. Her past academic experiences including senior Fulbright research grants at University of Wisconsin-Madison, research fellow at science studies program from University of California, San Diego and research fellow at Department of Social Medicine from Harvard Medical School. She published her first book Mental Disorder of the Tao Indigenous Minority in Taiwan: Modernity, Social Change, and the Origin of Social Suffering (Taipei: Linking Publishing, 2009). She co-edited two books Abnormal People? Psychiatry and the Governance of Modernity in Taiwan (Linking Publishing, 2018) and Post Genomic Taiwan: Shifting Paradigms and Challenges (National Chiao Tung University Press, 2019). She also directed the documentary film Ward 85033, which was the first film dealing with medical culture and medical malpractice in Taiwan and won several prizes. During her time at HYI, she will be working on her second book Indigenous DNA as Metaphor: Ancestry, Race, Ethnicity, and Biological Citizenship in Taiwan and co-editing a new book about Taiwan’s COVID 19 experiences and governance (with Routledge).
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