Coordinate Research Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Jan 2017 to May 2017
Jan 2010 to Apr 2010
Sep 1992 to Jun 1993
University Affiliation (Current)
Tsinghua University
University Affiliation
Tsinghua University
Wang Hui is a Changjiang Scholar Professor in the Department of Chinese Literature and the Department of History, Tsinghua University, and is Director of the Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. He received his Ph.D. from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1988. His research interests include Chinese intellectual history, modern Chinese literature and social/political theory. His recent publications include China’s Twentieth Century (London/New York, Verso, 2016), Reversal 颠倒 (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2015) (in Chinese), The Short Twentieth Century: the Chinese Revolution and the Logic of Politics 短二十世纪:中国革命与政治的逻辑 (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2015) (in Chinese), and China from Empire to Nation-State (two volumes) (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2014). He was previously a Pusey Fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2010, and a HYI Research Associate from 1992-93. As a Coordinate Research Scholar during the spring 2017 semester at Harvard, he will co-teach two classes on Chinese intellectual history with Professor Peter Bol (Department of East Asian Languages & Civilizations).
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