Wilson Wong
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2006 to Jun 2007
University Affiliation
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wilson Wong is Director and Associate Professor of Data Science and Policy Studies (DSPS) Programme, Faculty of Social Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is the Lead Area Editor of Data & Policy, a flagship journal dedicated to the impact of data science on policy and governance by Cambridge University Press. He has his undergraduate degree in social science from CUHK and received a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree and a Ph.D. degree in Public Administration from Syracuse University, New York, USA. In 2002-03, Professor Wong served as a visiting fellow in the Center for Northeast Asian Policies, the Brookings Institution, in the Washington, D.C., USA. During his stay in the Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2006-07, he worked on a project to study the post-1997 political changes in Hong Kong after the return of its sovereignty from Britain to China. His current major areas of research include data governance, digital governance, social data science, public management and ICT, comparative public policy, public budgeting and finance. In 2022-23, he will serve as the fellow in the Center of Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) of Stanford University to work on the project “Data Science and the State.”
Current Research Projects: Thematic Research: Integrating public policy and international development with a technological focus and a global and comparative perspective
Main Areas: Comparative and Global Public Policy, E-governance, Data Governance, AI and Big Data, Social Data Science, Public Management and InnovationRecent Publications
Wilson Wong (2022) When the state fails, bureaucrats and civil society step
up: analysing policy capacity with political nexus triads in the policy responses of Hong Kong to COVID-19, Journal of Asian Public Policy, 15:2, 198-212, DOI: 10.1080/17516234.2021.1894314 Wilson Wong & Alfred M. Wu (2021): State or Civil Society – What Matters in Fighting COVID-19? A Comparative Analysis of Hong Kong and Singapore, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/13876988.2021.1978819 Wong, Wilson. (2020) “AI and the Future of Work: A Policy Framework for Transforming Job Disruption into Social Good for All.” In Artificial Intelligence for Social Good, a research report by Association for Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), pp. 244-275. Wong, Wilson, & May Chu (2020) “Digital Governance as Institutional Adaption and Development: Social Media Strategies between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.” The China Review 20(3): 43-69. Wong, Wilson, & Li Wei. (2019). “Advocacy Coalitions, Policy Stability and Changes in China: The Case of Birth Control Policy, 1980–2015″ Policy Studies Journal 48(3): 645-671. Wong, Wilson, & Hanyu Xiao. (2018). “Twenty Years of Hong Kong and Macao under Chinese Rule: Their Absorption under “One Country, Two Systems” (with Hanyu Xiao) Public Money and Management 38 (6): 411-418.Interested in becoming a Harvard-Yenching Institute fellow or scholar?
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