
Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Sep 2010 to Aug 2011

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

Zhang Han received his PhD in sociology from the University of Hong Kong in 2012. His main research areas are urban studies, with special interest in urban redevelopment and urban governance, and political sociology, including state theories, party politics, developmental studies, and state-society relations. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Political Science at Tsinghua University from 2013 to 2015, and a Lecturer and Associate Professor in the School of International Relations at the University of International Business and Economics from 2015-2020. He was also a visiting scholar in the School of Global Policy & Strategy at the University of California, San Diego (2014 and 2016) and in the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University (2019-2020). He is currently an Associate Professor in the China Academy of Social Management/School of Sociology at Beijing Normal University.

Current Research Projects and Interests: The Chinese Communist Party’s party-building efforts in the “two new” (两新) organizations (e.g., private firms and NGOs); the Chinese Communist Party’s “united front” (统战) work in Chinese universities; the development of deliberative democracy in China’s urban governance; and comparative sociology of political parties (政党社会学).

Recent Publications

2019. Han Zhang, Huirong Chen and Jishu Wang, “Meritocracy in Village Elections: The ‘Separation of Election and Employment’ Scheme in Rural China”, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 28, No. 119, pp. 779-794 (SSCI).

2018. Han Zhang, “Who Serves the Party on the Ground? Grassroots Party Workers for China’s Non-Public Sector of the Economy”, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 27, No. 110, pp. 244-260.

2016. Zhang Han, China’s Local Entrepreneurial State and New Urban Spaces: Downtown Redevelopment in Ningbo, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

2015. Zhang Han, “Party Building in Urban Business Districts: Organizational Adaptation of the Chinese Communist Party”, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 24, No. 94, pp. 644-664.

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