2021-22 Special Grants
The Harvard-Yenching Institute is pleased to announce several special grants for HYI alumni for the 2021-22 academic year.
Cross-national Interdisciplinary Research Grant
This grant is offered for two or more Asia-based HYI alumni to collaborate on a cross-national, cross-disciplinary research project, likely to result in a publication. This is a new initiative intended to help compensate for pandemic isolation by encouraging more communication across countries, disciplines, and generations. Grant recipients will remain in Asia and collaborate remotely. Preference will be given to projects involving HYI alumni from multiple countries or regions. Each project should involve at least 2 HYI alumni, and may include 1-2 other scholars who are not HYI alumni. Learn more
Special Short-term Associate Program
This program is designed to provide an opportunity for past HYI affiliates to return to Harvard for 3 to 6 months (if travel conditions permit) with funding support from HYI, to conduct new or additional research in their respective fields. Associates are expected to conduct independent research in a self-sufficient manner on their proposed project. This program will run in the spring 2022 semester, if travel conditions permit. Scholars from academic years 2019-20 and 2020-21 will receive priority for this special grant. Learn more
Harvard-Yenching Library Research Grant
This grant allows scholars with proven publication records who have identified a specific collection of Asian-language materials, digital or print, available in the Harvard-Yenching Library to apply for 3-6 months of research support to use these materials. This grant will support scholars working remotely on a digital collection at the Harvard-Yenching Library in the fall semester 2021, and, if travel conditions permit, will support a small number of scholars working in-person on unique print or digital materials in spring 2022. This year, the grant is open to both HYI alumni and other (non-HYI alumni) scholars based outside the US. Learn more