Joseph Siu Kam-wah, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Abstract: Previous studies on Guandong Province conducted by Chinese and Japanese scholars, including studies of Japanese colonial institutions, have covered the aspects of colonial rule, the judiciary, education, industry, commerce, society and cultural invasion, etc., but have not thoroughly investigated various social services run by public and private institutions. Based on Japanese archives of social work in Guandong Office, Guandong Province and Manchuria, this paper examines the comprehensive Charity Funds and Child Scholarship Funds of the Imperial Gift Foundation, the most representative and largest-scale private funds, by analyzing its organization, operation, services and development. Through this paper we can better comprehend the social services provided in Guandong Province including social relief, medical and protection services and the education of women and children, which have been ignored by previous studies. These two funds helped to ensure a basic quality of life for the Chinese (including Manchurians) in the province in terms of basic needs, medical and health care, life protection, the education of women and children, economic life, and social service coordination, etc. under the Japanese policy of harmony and mutual prosperity. They alleviated the social and living problems caused by the Japanese invasion and devastation there to a certain extent.
論文摘要: 過去中、日學界包括日佔時期機構和學者曾論述日佔關東州的殖民統治、司法教育、工商社會、文化侵略等多方面的狀況,但沒有全面或深入考察該州的官私營社會措施。本文根據近年日本公開刊行的關東廳、關東州及滿洲的社會事業報告檔案文獻,探討日本佔領時期(1919-1945)關東州社會服務措施中最具代表性和規模的私營恩賜財團的綜合性慈惠資金和兒童奬學資金,考察其組織、營運、服務情況及發展特色,藉以窺見學界所忽略關東州的社會救濟、醫療保護及婦童教育等社會措施之一斑。在日佔當局的融和共榮政策下,兩個資金從衣食住行、醫療保護、衛生保健、婦童教育、經濟生活、服務聯繫等多方面,向關東州的中國人包括滿洲人提供了一定保障,有助紓解所在日軍侵佔肆虐帶來的民生危機及社會問題。
Keywords: Guandong Province under the Japanese Occupation, Charity Funds and Child Scholarship Funds of the Imperial Gift Foundation, Social Relief Work, Medical Services and Protection, Education of Women and Children
關鍵字: 日佔關東州 , 恩賜財團慈惠資金與兒童奬學資金 , 社會救濟 , 醫療保護 , 婦童教育
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