
Paths Toward the Modern Fiscal State: England, Japan, and China


Wenkai He 和文凯

Beijing: Sanlian (SDX & Harvard-Yenching Academic Library), 2023

About the book: 本书聚焦现代公共财政制度建设的问题,细致比较中英日三个国家在制度发展关键期的具体历史过程。以宏阔的视野、新颖的框架、扎实的史料回应“大分流”的问题,对清政府未能实现财政转型的解释极富洞察力。




  1. Credit Crises in the Rise of the Modern Fiscal State
  2. England’s Path, 1642-1752
  3. The Rapid Centralization of Public Finance in Japan, 1868-1880
  4. The Emergence of the Modern Fiscal State in Japan, 1880-1895
  5. Economic Disruption and the Failure of Paper Money in China, 1851-1864
  6. The Persistence of Fiscal Decentralization in China, 1864-1911


About the author: Wenkai He was a HYI Visiting Scholar from 2016-17.

About the series: The SDX and HYI Academic Series 三联·哈佛燕京学术丛书 began in 1994. It is edited by Feng Jinhong (assisted by Yang Le) and is expected to publish 6 titles per year.