Nguyen Ngoc Tho (co-editor, with Jana Rosker)
Asian Studies (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Vol 8 No 2 (2020)
Of the eight articles in the special issue, five are written by HYI scholars:
- Nguyen Ngoc Tho: “When the Sage Becomes a “God”: The Spiritualized Confucian Sect of Minh Đức Nho giáo Đại đạo in Southern Vietnam”
- Nguyen Ngoc Tho & Nguyen Thanh Phong (An Giang University, VNU-Ho Chi Minh): “Philosophical Transmission and Contestation: The Impact of Qing Confucianism in Southern Vietnam”
- Nguyen Tuan Cuong (Sino-Nôm Institute, HYI visiting scholar 2013-2014: “The Last Confucians of Mid-20th Century Vietnam: A Cultural History of the Vietnam Association of Traditional Studies”
- Hoang Cam Giang (USSH, VNU-Hanoi, HYI visiting scholar 2018-2019): “Vietnamese and Chinese Movies about Royalty: From Confucian Cosmology to Ecological Politics”
- Nguyen Hoang Yen (USSH, VNU-Ho Chi Minh, visiting scholar 2020-2021) & Gabriel F. Y. Tsang (Sun Yat-sen University): “The Vietnamese Confucian Diplomatic Tradition and the Last Nguyễn Precolonial Envoys’ Textual Communication with Li Hongzhang”
About the authors:
Hoang Cam Giang was a HYI Vistiting Scholar from 2018-19.
Nguyen Hoang Yen is a HYI Vistiting Scholar from 2020-21.
Nguyen Ngoc Tho was a HYI Vistiting Scholar from 2017-18.
Nguyen Tuan Cuong was a HYI Vistiting Scholar from 2013-14.