
Who Was That Little Woman: Friendship, Love, Hatred, and Divorce of Yu Dafu


Bin Yang

Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社, October 2022

Publisher’s website

About the book: By conceptualizing Yu Dafu’s little-woman-complex, this book has made efforts to re-examine Yu Dafu’s friendship with Hu Shi, Lu Xun, Lu Yutang and Xu Zhimo,  his love, marriage, and divorce including the issue of the fifth wheel and the three letters denied by Wang Yingxia in the early 1980s, and his literary creation of the novel She Was a Little Woman in which Wang Yingxia served as a prototype.

内容简介: 本书抓住郁达夫之“弱女子”情结,以所谓“颓废作家”郁达夫的爱恨离愁为主线,力图破解其亲情、友情和爱情交织下的一些谜团。 全书从史实的细微处出发,挖掘和讨论了郁达夫自己和友朋笔下的令人失望的郁达夫的“尊容”,而后从前人忽视的细节和角度一一分析了郁达夫与新文化运动中的巨匠和大师如胡适和鲁迅的来往和友情,以及他与同辈人物如徐志摩、林语堂等人的交往;并根据郁达夫的日记与王映霞的回忆,综合朋友们留下的细节,重构了郁王恋爱、婚姻和婚变的过程,仔细讨论了“第三者”的问题;最后结合文献和田野,实地考察了郁达夫在新加坡留下的雪泥鸿爪。本书推进了郁达夫亲情、友情、爱情及其创作中许多关键议题的研究。

About the author: Yang Bin was a HYI Visiting Scholar from 2011-12.