Visiting Scholars:
The letter you received from the Harvard-Yenching Institute offering a fellowship grant (financial support) notes that your grant consists of the following:
- Stipend (distributed in monthly payments): Beginning in August, you will receive a monthly stipend check.
- Health insurance up to the amount of $5,500
- Round-trip Airfare (Economy class)
Visiting Fellows:
The letter you received from the Harvard-Yenching Institute offering a fellowship grant (financial support) notes that your grant consists of the following:
- Stipend (distributed in monthly payments): Beginning in August, you will receive a monthly stipend check.
- Tuition and fees (including health insurance): As a Visiting Fellow, you will be charged for tuition and fees. HYI will cover tuition and fees (including health insurance) as part of your fellowship. This payment happens automatically; you do not need to do anything. Do not make any payments for tuition and fees.
- Round-trip Airfare (Economy class)
Your monthly stipend is subject to a 14% US Federal tax. If you are from a non-tax treaty region or country, your stipend will be taxed for the duration of your stay. Your monthly stipend will be reduced by 14%.
You may be eligible for a tax treaty if you are from certain countries, but in order to implement the treaty exemption, you will need to complete paperwork after your arrival to determine your eligibility. This means that your first and second stipend checks will have taxes withheld.