Dinh Hong-Hai
Visiting Fellow
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2008 to Jan 2010
University Affiliation (Current)
Vietnam National University-Hanoi
University Affiliation
Vietnam National University-Hanoi
Dr. Dinh Hong Hai is an Associate Professor at the National University in Hanoi, Vietnam. He currently serves as the Head of the Cultural Anthropology Division in the Department of Anthropology. In 2019, he was appointed as an executive committee member of The International Association for Semiotic Studies and the Deputy General Secretary of the Asian Semiotics International Association. Hai completed his MA at the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) in 2001 and pursued his M.Phil at the University of Delhi, India, in 2006. He then studied at Harvard University from 2008 to 2010 as a visiting fellow sponsored by HYI, after which he defended his Ph.D. dissertation at the Graduate School of Social Sciences, VASS, in 2011. Hai has published over 30 books and 100 articles on related topics in both Vietnamese and English.
Current Research Projects:
- “Maitreya Symbol in the New Religious Movements of East Asia: A Comparative Study of Long Hoa Di Lac in Vietnam and Daesoon Jinrihoe in Korea” in International Conference: New Developments in Daesoon Thought & the Religions of East Asia. Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Daejin University, Korea
- “The Embodiments of Maitreya – God of Wealth in Vietnam,” FBK-ISR International Seminar 2023 organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Polo delle Scienze Umane e social, Italia on Jul. 7th, 2023. Access https://isr.fbk.eu/en/events/detail/20208/the-embodiments-of-maitreya-god-of-wealth-in-vietnam-2023/
- “Otherness and Diversity in Vietnamese Confucianism: The Formation of the Symbol of the Ancestral King Lạc Long Quân Based on the Nguyễn Huy Thiệp Complex,” Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia (JDTREA) 3-2023, DOI: https://doi.org/10.25050/JDTREA.2023.2.2.123
- “Maitreya Buddha or Bodhisattva? A Semiotic Approach to Contemporary Vietnamese Culture”. The 1st International Conference of Asian Semiotics: A Transdisciplinary Imagination of Asian Cultural Studies. Korea University, Seoul Oct.,14-15th 2022
- “Pseudomorph or Quasi-Religion? A Case Study of Maitreya – God of Wealth in Vietnam”. Partnership for Higher Education Reform (PHER’s Seminar 2) on Oct. 6th, 2022
- “Religious Change in Contemporary Vietnamese Society: Afterlife Beliefs and Religious Change in Vietnam.” New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS) Oct. 1-2nd 2021. Organized by State University of New York, SUNY -Brockport.
- “Risks and issues: reactions of Vietnam and the experience to the world in the first wave of coronavirus pandemic,” Asian Education and Development Studies. Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 239-249. ISSN: 2046-3162. Publication date: 9 October 2020 https://doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-07-2020-0165
- “Anthropology of religion and changing process of contemporary Vietnamese religion.” International conference organized by USSH and IRD (Institute of Research for Development, France).
Recent Publications
- “A Century of the Interface between Vietnam and France on Education, Science of Humanities, and Anthropology” in The Role of Pedagogy in Shaping the Socio-Political Reality of Society (forthcoming publication). Cambridge Scholars 2024.
- “Semiotics and the anthropology of art: Alfred Gell’s theoretical framework” in Amir Biglari (Ed.), Open Semiotics, Part 3, Volume 3, pp. 251-264. Paris: L’Harmattan June 2023. ISBN: 9782140305283.
- “Competing Imagined Ancestries: The Lạc Việt, the Vietnamese, and the Zhuang” (co-author). In: Gillen J., Kelley L.C., Phan L.H. (eds). Vietnam at the Vanguard: New Perspectives Across Time, Space, and Community. Asia in Transition, vol 15. Springer, Singapore. October 2021.
- Animism in Southeast Asian Fine Art (co-author) 2021. Published by The SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA).
- “Who is Maitreya: Buddha, Bodhisattva, or God of Wealth? A comparative iconography in contemporary Vietnamese culture.” TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2(Özel Sayı/ Special Issue/ Issue Specialé), 60–72.
- “Messianism in Civilizational History: The Transformation of the Buddhist Messiah via Maitreya,” Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia Vol. 3. Issue 2 (March 2024).
- “The symbol of Saint Gióng and the Gióng festival in the historical context of Vietnam,” Asian Education and Development Studies, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 37-45.
- “Semiotics and the anthropology of art: Alfred Gell’s theoretical framework” in Amir Biglari (Ed.), Open Semiotics, Part 3, Vol. 3, pp. 251-264. Paris: L’Harmattan June 2023. ISBN: 9782140305283.
- “The symbol of Saint Gióng and the Gióng festival in the historical context of Vietnam”, Asian Education and Development Studies, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 37-45.
- “Risks and issues: reactions of Vietnam and the experience to the world in the first wave of coronavirus pandemic,” Asian Education and Development Studies. Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 239-249. ISSN: 2046-3162. Publication date: 9 October 2020
- “Who is Maitreya: Buddha, Bodhisattva, or God of Wealth? A comparative iconography in contemporary Vietnamese culture.“ TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2(Özel Sayı/ Special Issue/ Issue Specialé), 60–72.
- “Messianism in Civilizational History: The Transformation of the Buddhist Messiah via Maitreya”, Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia Vol. 3. Issue 2 (March 2024).
- “Maitreya Symbol in the New Religious Movements of East Asia: A Comparative Study of Long Hoa Di Lac in Vietnam and Daesoon Jinrihoe in Korea” in International Conference: New Developments in Daesoon Thought & the Religions of East Asia. June 25, 2024, Daejin University, Korea
- “Otherness and Diversity in Vietnamese Confucianism: The Formation of the Symbol of the Ancestral King Lạc Long Quân Based on the Nguyễn Huy Thiệp Complex,” (JDTREA) 3-2023.
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